
Post yfw pic related

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endgame right here brothers

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sure, seems like it

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I can't believe prez is a mikofag

Shut the fuck up fucking retards. You are so annoying. Nobody gives a fuck about your cuck queen

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Thanks, Aka.

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Hayasaka fags are tsubame fags after all. Reason, they hopped onto another ship cuz IshiMiko is going to be canon.

Not so fast midget!

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Apparently, you do

Author set up Kaguya pushing Ishigami into Koyasu and Shirogane pushing Lino into Ishigami so both of them will "lose" by the arc's conclusion. Mark my words and invest in Kobachicoin while you still can.

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Dude, come one, post a page from the chapter where they get married.

>tsubame drops Ishi
>ishi shoots down Iino
>osaragi swipes Ishi

Iinobame soon?

Aka called me yesterday. We were talking about ours university years. He told which pairs he planned to make in end of the manga
Prez x Iino
Kaguya x Ishigami
Maki x Tsubasa
Osaragi x Tsubame
Hayaska x Kaguya's father
Fujiwara x Prez's dad
Reporter girls x Shinomiya brothers

Here comes the glasses fags again...


shut up Henry

She's a major cutie. How do you think Osaragi would behave if she manages to score Ishigami?

>invest in Kobachicoin
fucking this

>Hayaska x Kaguya's father
>Fujiwara x Prez's dad
Undoubtly based

I just finished jacking off to TIA pretending she was Hayasaka

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Why Aka not Change Title Name Yet?

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>he fears the Osaragi
She hasn't even done anything yet...

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Mikochads how could this happen... why is he not picking the one who insulted him constantly... could it be that our girl is just an annoying gremlin...

Not necessarily

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Shirogane isn't the only one who'll be confessing to Kaguya.

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Leave Iino to me.

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>Altruism autists will win each other
Bracing for cute.

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So I dont read the manga and watch the show consistently. I watch an episode and reach a chapter when they drop every now and then. What makes this , in your eyes, appealing and different from other RomCom?

Osaragi return to Cap after this.

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*wins via 4D chess*

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Leave Miko Iino to me

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I love her, but Ishigami has literally zero reason to drop the woman he's been chasing all school year for a brat that does nothing but insult him.

But I still hope he does.

It's hard to take Tsubame seriously as a love interest when Aka skipped over her date with Ishigami entirely.
Even an uneventful first date should be a huge moment in any relationship, but here it was only relevant for the sake of triggering Miko's reaction. As things are now, I can't imagine her being endgame, and that can only change if Aka starts actually showing their relationship (Tsubame thinking about it was good, but not nearly enough, we need actual interaction if she's meant to have a chance at winning).

Nah, keep that bitch away from this good young man. He will find a better woman.

>series only has a handful of h-doujins
Really thought there'd be an increase in Miko doujins when the manga showed how easy and naughty she could be

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Brace for suffering more like. Aka will use this to set up a tragedy of two lives that just missed each other, maybe throw in a poignant line of "parallel lines never touch"

He deserves better than that thot. Let her rot with her brainless white knight.

i never saw her as endgame and the moment Aka pulled the shit with Osaragi i knew something was up

The anime pulled me in because it did something no anime ever has done.

It was funny and it was consistent in being funny.

Also because its emotional moments were good

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Leave Iino to me

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>How do you think Osaragi would behave if she manages to score Ishigami?
She'll probably be like pic related. All her stifled emotions gushing out uncontrollably, all her patience and sacrifice coming to fruition...

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I like Hayasaka and Iino

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