MC willingly makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”

>MC willingly makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”
What things make you instantly hate an MC?

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Ok, woman.


any sign of mental weakness or insecurities that causes stagnation

t. manlet

That didn't even happen in that fight you retard. Nothing about katakuri changes and Luffy just continues to attempt to surpass him.

He wouldn't hate Luffy if he is a manlet. Luffy is 5'9".

how can spees deny bounty=powerlevel, not counting a few exceptions, when the characters are constantly bountylevelfagging themselves?

Manlets hate their own kind the most of all.
Tall people just don't care about the whole thing.

But Luffy didn’t even do anything to Katakuri’s benefit. He was just stalling to recover his Haki.