MC willingly makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”

>MC willingly makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”
What things make you instantly hate an MC?

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Ok, woman.


any sign of mental weakness or insecurities that causes stagnation

t. manlet

That didn't even happen in that fight you retard. Nothing about katakuri changes and Luffy just continues to attempt to surpass him.

He wouldn't hate Luffy if he is a manlet. Luffy is 5'9".

how can spees deny bounty=powerlevel, not counting a few exceptions, when the characters are constantly bountylevelfagging themselves?

Manlets hate their own kind the most of all.
Tall people just don't care about the whole thing.

But Luffy didn’t even do anything to Katakuri’s benefit. He was just stalling to recover his Haki.

t. roastie or basedboy that just doesn't get it

>>MC willingly makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”
>What things make you instantly hate an MC?

I don't know about all that, but One Piece is awesome and I love Luffy for being Luffy, even both the best and worst of times. I can't think of a single protagonist with the exception of Son Goku or Toriko where I enjoyed the main character despite his flaws and came to appreciate him more than shitty idealized and perfect MCs.

>makes/allows the villain to get stronger so he can fight them “at their best”
No, that's something an arrogant asshat like Vegeta would do. For Luffy, it's just a matter of pride with a reasonable confidence in himself.

Female hands made this post

What the fuck is you problem? What did I do to you?

How can Luffy become the Pirate King if he can't beat a sub-boss?

You wasted my time with your indecisiveness which caused unsavory events to happen in your anime

If you wanna write good shounen protagonists, model them after boxing champions

pretty sure Luffy just wanted to beat Katakuri instead of escaping. Katakuri didn't event get stronger in the fight

This, I hate when shounen protagonists love fights. They should love checkers instead.

>MC remains a nakamafag with room temperature IQ even after getting blown the fuck out by a competent villain because of being a retarded nakamafag

I love that.

>this said in the same fight where Katakuri literally stabs himself
Luffy never surpassed him.

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Even Luffy acknowledges that was retarded since its a pirate fight and anything is fair.
Katakuri sperged out with muh honor.

Observation haki runs out, he was giving time for Katakuri to recharge

Depends on the context.
If the stakes are high its always shit. If the stakes are low then its normally pretty cool.

Way to miss the point so badly
Imagine being so stupid that One Piece is too hard for you to understand.

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Katakuri had been shit talking Luffy the entire fight, especially after flampe paralyzed his legs making him trip.

It would have made him look like a hypocritical bitch if he had accepted that kind of victory.

It's an indication of strength not a direct correlation.

>MC gets curb stomped for nearly 24 hours
>bleeding all over the place, has no stamina, and has yet to lay a hand on the villain
>somehow wins after 3 hits
One Piece died with the Katakuri fight.

Ask me how I know that OP is a woman.

How do you know that OP is a woman?

>Katakuri literally threw the fight

WC was good until this shit

Luffy can canonically recover by eating a shitton of food. Guess who fed him a ton of mochi?

Wanting to fight an opponent who is deemed strong and is at their strongest not only serves as a challenge, but a test and a show of dignity. For anyone who is trying to become strong, to test himself in comparison to someone else who is truly strong at their peak condition is something a woman would never be able to understand. There is more to a fight than the fight itself, but the honor associated with it.

because the OP is a woman