I'm very pleasantly surprised by the maturity and honesty Iino has shown towards her feelings. She knows why and what she feels, but still puts forward her own principles as priority, albeit she gets puzzled the actual moment she really needs to decide. She's done something Kaguya only could manage 8 months into the story in just a few days. The growth is actually immense.
Kaguya manga
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>walks into room
>Runs away
Fun fact about Miko is that she considers herself a loser, after all. She thought Ishigami was a loser like her so he could fit her. It was completely unexpected that he could be successful with a top girl like Tsubame. She never considered someone like Miyuki because he was out of her league and perfect for Kaguya, but discovering that she isn't good enough also for someone like Ishigami makes her feel miserable. This is part of what makes her crush on Ishigami very cheap. I think poor Ishigami would deserve something more genuine than this.
I want to mating press Lino
KINO will win the Ishibowl.
She's never had a sexual encounter. Good traditional girls know sex is bad.
Aw my thread was deleted.
>only realizes her feelings when the man gets another woman
She's a spoiled brat, that's what she is. She doesn't like ishigami but doesn't want anyone else to have him.
That's Tsubame. Miko always liked Ishigami.
I want a Prez too...