I'm very pleasantly surprised by the maturity and honesty Iino has shown towards her feelings. She knows why and what she feels, but still puts forward her own principles as priority, albeit she gets puzzled the actual moment she really needs to decide. She's done something Kaguya only could manage 8 months into the story in just a few days. The growth is actually immense.
Kaguya manga
Other urls found in this thread:
>walks into room
>Runs away
Fun fact about Miko is that she considers herself a loser, after all. She thought Ishigami was a loser like her so he could fit her. It was completely unexpected that he could be successful with a top girl like Tsubame. She never considered someone like Miyuki because he was out of her league and perfect for Kaguya, but discovering that she isn't good enough also for someone like Ishigami makes her feel miserable. This is part of what makes her crush on Ishigami very cheap. I think poor Ishigami would deserve something more genuine than this.
I want to mating press Lino
KINO will win the Ishibowl.
She's never had a sexual encounter. Good traditional girls know sex is bad.
Aw my thread was deleted.
>only realizes her feelings when the man gets another woman
She's a spoiled brat, that's what she is. She doesn't like ishigami but doesn't want anyone else to have him.
That's Tsubame. Miko always liked Ishigami.
I want a Prez too...
I feel the same. She was happy because Ishigami was miserable as much as her, now she feels like the only loser. I doubt this is love.
>Miko always liked Ishigami
Come on, you can't say she always liked him. She always liked to feel superior to him. It's different.
We know, Pesu-kun.
The duality of women
I mean...Kaguya got herself a nice one
Kneel to the goddess of Shuchiin!
>Ishigami received a secret honmei choco from a secret person. His mind dwindled back for a moment to the time when he was still in middle school. He remembered how all of the girls are irritated with his attitude but there was this one girl who was kind enough to give him honmei choco every Valentine's day. That was before his break out with that girl. Ishigami was certain that he will never receive honmei choco from her ever again after what happened. This Valentine's day, that girl's honmei choco will undoubtedly be the most special out of all the chocolates he might receive. He tried to snap himself out of that crazy thought. It is impossible. Getting a honmei choco from her now is akin to a miracle. As Ishigami inspects the choco, tears started to fall from his eyes. The nostalgic appearance and smell made him he realize who gave the choco. Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind and spoke in a familiar voice saying "Let's start over again, Ishigami-kun."
Would Kaguya-sama have been better as a battle academy show?
It helped that Shirogane is so far the only person she knows, who treats her with respect to some degree, and actually asks her what the fuck is she thinking and what does she want, instead of immediately assuming they know better.
Soon. Based genius mangaka.
I hope he will help her to move on, because an affection based on the shared sense of being losers isn't healthy.
what does a virgin like Aka know about love?
Anyone have that screencap of when the Osaragi bomb dropped?
If she confessed to him, I hope he would say to her: "exactly, why should I believe you? What do you like about me? You weren't even able to say something good about me. I don't know if you are making fun of me or something, I can't take you seriously. Please, grow up."
Who do you want to win the ishibowl and who is your second pick?
The one who seriously likes him. It's not clear which girl has genuine feelings. I would support Tsubame but her feelings are not sure.
Just borrow one from Kaguya. She’s already said that she’s okay with letting other girls do stuff with prez as a friend.
So go ahead and give prez chocolates, as a friend. Then go on a practice Yokohama date with prez, you know, as a friend. Then go have prez’s babies, you know, as a friend.
ootomo winning would be kino. 2nd pick would be dera
Pesubros our time will come
Stop self inserting so hard faggot. It's cringe and lame.
They even have matching hair and eye colour!
Perfect friend duo
If he was the person who would do this to someone earnestly confessing, he wouldn't be the person Tsubame thinks he is. I know you've had a hateboner for her that has lasted 2 years already, but please write your fanfic elsewhere.
>He's now posted this more times than the original has been potsed
miko confirmed white
I am not self inserting. This would be good for Miko growing up as a character. Currently it looks like she is into Ishigami just because she remained alone.
And in this regard, Osaragi for n#1, Karen or Maki for n#2.
I know he will be kinder. I only said what she would deserve to grow up. Her puppy love isn't even true love.
Based user
well it keeps getting deleted so
Not her fault if they looked like they were acting in such a disgusting way.
>Currently it looks like she is into Ishigami just because she remained alone
It's much more complex than that, something most men will never understand. She feels invested in him
Maybe it's getting deleted for a reason, furfag.