US Navy has chosen Italian frigates for their next gen frigates. I can't believe people are calling warships ugly lmao, it seems reliable enough.
design and construction contract, worth $795.1 million.
I wonder how they'll be used
US Navy has chosen Italian frigates for their next gen frigates. I can't believe people are calling warships ugly lmao, it seems reliable enough.
design and construction contract, worth $795.1 million.
I wonder how they'll be used
Tssss. Tssss. A finn? Are you on a fawkin fish or sumthin? HNNNNNNGGG. FUCKIN TOLD HIM CHIPPAH!
Electrical issues? Engine room fire? It might look good but will fall apart in 2yrs.
>US Navy has chosen Italian frigates
Guess it has to do with the US "Keeping us closer" to their sphere of influence by buying our ships. Usually, we sell them to 2nd class countries who can't develop their own.
is that a basketball court near the rear of the ship. pretty dope if it is
At least it doesn’t look ridiculous like the Zumwalts.
My Grandma made the sauce up until the day she died, which makes her far superior to OP.
That's an helipad you freaking leaf. Also, I would advice agaisnt doing jackshit anything on any ship in the middle of the sea, the time is really unpredictable and when there is any rain you are pretty much gonna be seasick after it ends. This off course doesn't accounts the windy conditions that will throw the ball each and everytime into the ocean.
Jesus christ. Chip larping? Go be a faggot at the diner table to your mother.