The US Navy selects Fincantieri design for next-generation frigate

US Navy has chosen Italian frigates for their next gen frigates. I can't believe people are calling warships ugly lmao, it seems reliable enough.
design and construction contract, worth $795.1 million.

I wonder how they'll be used

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Tssss. Tssss. A finn? Are you on a fawkin fish or sumthin? HNNNNNNGGG. FUCKIN TOLD HIM CHIPPAH!

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Electrical issues? Engine room fire? It might look good but will fall apart in 2yrs.

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>US Navy has chosen Italian frigates
Guess it has to do with the US "Keeping us closer" to their sphere of influence by buying our ships. Usually, we sell them to 2nd class countries who can't develop their own.

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is that a basketball court near the rear of the ship. pretty dope if it is

At least it doesn’t look ridiculous like the Zumwalts.

My Grandma made the sauce up until the day she died, which makes her far superior to OP.

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That's an helipad you freaking leaf. Also, I would advice agaisnt doing jackshit anything on any ship in the middle of the sea, the time is really unpredictable and when there is any rain you are pretty much gonna be seasick after it ends. This off course doesn't accounts the windy conditions that will throw the ball each and everytime into the ocean.

Jesus christ. Chip larping? Go be a faggot at the diner table to your mother.

Looks totally gay, I feel sorry for the sailors who will be stationed on these floating pasta makers.

We should be making more Zumwalts. These Italian rafts look like they're fit to serve in the Vietnam war.

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>Using Italian military designs.

Are Amerimutts really this stupid?

Italy couldn't build a bicycle if it tried. Let alone a warship.

Since OP can't be bothered.

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Great, Italians are so famous for their reliable machinery...

>pic related
>I wonder how they will be used

Unfortunately China and Russia have infiltrated Italy after the chinese virus was released. I wouldnt buy anything national security related form there

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is it even armed?

Italians designs are really hit and miss, Just like the Italian Carcano that blew off the American presidents head, either this will end up great or be complete shit there is no middle ground.

>Go be a faggot at the diner table to your mother.
DONT do this, it makes them cry and really upset, trust me

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It carries missiles, torpedos, can lay mines, has a helicopter or two, but the main armament are the two electromagnetic railguns you see on the deck, which can fire every 18 seconds and have a range of "at least" 150 miles.

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there arent railguns on zumwalts, they have 155mm guns that work but dont have ammo since the ammo program ran over budget. the 3rd ship might get a railgun after it's commisoned

Sometimes I don't know what to take seriously on this board.
You're right we should make more stupidly expensive to build and operate DDGs we don't fucking need. Burke Flight III is what we need, not this fucking monstrosity. Okay dipshit are you aware they have no fucking ammo?
They're more or less going to be baby Burkes. They have 360 degree AESA like our destroyers but are far less expensive to operate. The problem the Navy had had since retiring FFG-7s is that there's no ships for low intensity operations. Destroyers are overkill in most cases and a waste of equipment and money. Meanwhile both LCS classes are total dumpsterfires. Fincantieri was the only logical choice the Navy could have chosen, which makes it all the more fucking surprising they actually won.

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The poor mans Type 31 British frigate!

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>posts a render

Wow it's butt ugly.

Guess one of Kushner's kike relatives got a fat contract for it.

Mutt navy really is in decline these days.

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Because they're currently under construction!

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>$795.1 million.

fucking waste of money

too boxy

Thats one sexy lookin ship

>Italian design

What happened mutt ship designers??

They've all been trying to rip of the sachsen class, the best frigate there is

I thought it was three for that price but it's not.... holy fuck! haha

>The Pentagon announced the contract award, valued at $795,116,483, in its daily contracting announcement on Apr. 20, 2020. This is a fixed price deal with incentives that covers the costs of designing and constructing the initial ship, as well as various other ancillary costs, and also includes separate options for nine additional frigates. Fitting the first FFG(X) out with the required weapons, sensors, and other systems could raise the total purchase cost to $1.281 billion, which is in line with previous cost estimates, according to Navy budget documents. The Navy hopes to see the average unit price drop to around $781 million as over the course of the production run.

Pretty weird they took the Italian design, but since they did, big it up for Italy.

Lmao it is a shitty render but yes, Chinese navy can’t train height. Their boys are finished once we dunk on them. We’ll crash one of these into Hong Kong and it will be like Space Jam.