Blackpill thread

I can't take it any more bros please blackpill me to oblivion

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No blackpills to be found on here were all devout believers in the success of the National Socialist Revolution.

>They found that, regardless of the type of network, 10 percent remained the threshold required to shift the majority opinion once the true believers began to speak with everyone else.


no one can even explain what a natsoc america would look like

Media, women and retards like her, most people here do not.

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That's interesting, I once read a quote attributed to Lenin that 10 of a population taking to the streets can secure the revolution.

Stunning and Brave! What a wonderful feminist post! You make your feminist statement while you ask to be blackpilled! Even though politicians are basically talking heads that don't really "do" anything, most of them just play the part, like an actor or an actress. That's why we need more women in politics! Making a hero of a politician is easy because the politician doesn't even have to be exceptional!


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I think you missed out on the irony, I'm 100% certain women make worse leaders, having had about five women bosses in my life

God the Labour government sucks

Oh, you'll get your socialist revolution, only it won't be socialist and it won't be white. Chances are very high that every nation of the West will slide off into some commie multi-cult socialist revolution soon enough.

Race realists got so distracted by "muh Hitler" they can't imagine any other kind of revolution. It's a big part of how we have, and probably will, fail to have ethnonationalism for whites. You dummies mock any alternative to your narrow-minded national socialism.

Socialism is a shit system.

In any case, we're both posting in a slide thread. The "blackpilling" wasn't a question in good faith, just an excuse for that shitty feminist graphic.

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