Blackpill thread

I can't take it any more bros please blackpill me to oblivion

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No blackpills to be found on here were all devout believers in the success of the National Socialist Revolution.

>They found that, regardless of the type of network, 10 percent remained the threshold required to shift the majority opinion once the true believers began to speak with everyone else.


no one can even explain what a natsoc america would look like

Media, women and retards like her, most people here do not.

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That's interesting, I once read a quote attributed to Lenin that 10 of a population taking to the streets can secure the revolution.

Stunning and Brave! What a wonderful feminist post! You make your feminist statement while you ask to be blackpilled! Even though politicians are basically talking heads that don't really "do" anything, most of them just play the part, like an actor or an actress. That's why we need more women in politics! Making a hero of a politician is easy because the politician doesn't even have to be exceptional!


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I think you missed out on the irony, I'm 100% certain women make worse leaders, having had about five women bosses in my life

God the Labour government sucks

Oh, you'll get your socialist revolution, only it won't be socialist and it won't be white. Chances are very high that every nation of the West will slide off into some commie multi-cult socialist revolution soon enough.

Race realists got so distracted by "muh Hitler" they can't imagine any other kind of revolution. It's a big part of how we have, and probably will, fail to have ethnonationalism for whites. You dummies mock any alternative to your narrow-minded national socialism.

Socialism is a shit system.

In any case, we're both posting in a slide thread. The "blackpilling" wasn't a question in good faith, just an excuse for that shitty feminist graphic.

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We are staying in lockdown till 50% unemployment, all because she has a small child

a dog can successfully run New Zealand. It's one of the easiest countries to rule anywhere anytime especially with the kind of liberal media we have today. Every decision she makes is correct no matter what. Everything she does is brave. Right? can say otherwise, bigots?

Send her to govern Iraq, Iran, Egypt, India, Pakistan for one day and I guarantee you she will be dead before the sunset

2020 election labour governing alone

Based and Egypt pilled.

I find that unlikely to be the outcome with the repeated failures of the GOVT

Guess we'll just have to make a Natsoc America and see what it looks like once it has been built

Big Ball Jack

Jacinda is cool, though she fucked up with that Chch shooting. Wearing headgear everywhere - wtf was that about.

The lockdown shite should have been launched back in January, post Christmas. No one would have objected and we would be back to business by now.

Everytime I see that cunts face I just want to punch it.....

Not without Winston First to make it look "democratic".

Women leaders seem unironically BASED.

>wear a burka
>let rescue services rescue people then say some sad words
>shut down an isolated pacific island then claim that you beat a virus that didn't even reach there

truly inspiring

>deal with a major terrorist attack
>it just happens and the guy kills 50 muslims


Jacinda is cool? No she isn't, go back to facedick and reddit fag.

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hahaha fucking based. any liberal leader of a western country is worshipped by the kike media and declared a success no matter what.

given that the population of NZ is almost exclusively sheep it is, in all practicality, run by dogs.

With 600 police officers nearby on a training exercise.

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Dont play Oblivion buy skyrim

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Based kiwi Kia Ora

Are you sure you want the blackpill??
Really really sure??
Ok then
Here we go

The only way to fight back against this bullshit Social Justice/LGBT/Diversity crap is to be violent.

How would new Zealand look with literally no government?

...and yet it still took 20 minutes before anyone mobilised.

All this bragging while New Zealand is disappearing under her feet to China.

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Why am I only hearing about this now?

Judging by the results of the lockdown, it seems to have been the right thing to do. No new cases for 2 days now.

time to open the country

Surprised they didn't mention it was a horse.

Forgot to add that the guy blackpilling you is the closest one of ourguys got to be in any position of power.
Everything he talks about is lived experience.
And the tl:dr of the video is
>There's no political solution
>We're to effeminate,weak and old to have a violent solution
>We actually have no solution

That's normal. There was a string of car thefts on the street where I live and the police never came around.

I thought everyone knew.

We'll see, we'll certainly fucking see.

Fuck Lenin but you're right lol sorry

We'll see, we'll certainly fucking see.

The funny thing is it's true, doesn't matter how you think she handled it, she did do it.

Pretty insane how much it makes some of you faggots seethe.

She should have locked down earlier, the signs were there. They basically waited until there was community spread which is stupid, of course there would eventually be community spread.

Lockdown worked but now we have to pay in gold for the cure so we will see if she did the right thing in the long run. We may have more infections with Covid and the entire lockdown would have been a waste.

This is the one strong criticisim i have of her, she did nothing until our cases started shooting through the roof and then panicked and locked everyone in their homes.
Lucky for her everyone complied and helped instead of telling her to fark off.