China is gearing up for war with the US. How should the US respond?

China is gearing up for war with the US. How should the US respond?

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Nothing burger. What are they gonna do, invade the US?

Not a fucking chance.

1. China and the US are not going to go to war. The economies of both nations would collapse literately over night.

2. China has no capacity to wage war within it's borders, let alone outside it's borders. US Sea and Air supremacy would be obtained and then it would be how much do we want to spend bombing the Chinese back into the stone age.

3. The Republicans are not going to start another war right now. They're already looking at possibly losing the Senate.

>How should the US respond?
By moving the bulk of their manufacturing back to the US, or at least to a modern state. Failing that, 8-nation-alliance part 2.

Yeah, this. Moving all our production to China was a huge mistake.

The US is still second in exports and manufacturing. And if push comes to shove, I think a lot more nations would be willing to deal with the US than China.

>By moving the bulk of their manufacturing back to the US,
That would require US wages to go up, which is not going to happen.

>China has no capacity to wage war within it's borders
This is entirely wrong, the PLA has very important functions as suppressing local uprisings. In addition, there's no reason to underrate China as a regional power.


>I think a lot more nations would be willing to deal with the US than China.
Not really, at least not while Hong Kong exists

It wasn't a mistake because it made the people who pushed for it very wealthy, it was a deliberate scheme.

>Local uprisings are full scale wars against technologically superior opponents with the capacity to almost completely deny you freedom of movement
Okay, chang.

>economies would collapse
The U.S. economy would potentially get stronger as we shifted gears into wartime production. All the companies who could suffer due to being cut off from Chink based labor could prop themselves up by making military stuff here at home. Plus, we've already seen China is willing to use our dependence as a weapon. May as well shoot them whike they do that.

>China cannot wage war within their own...
So this is a reason not to glass them why?

>muh senate
I guarantee not near as many Dems get the votes they are claiming they will. Democrats are already digging their own political graves. Look at Michigan. Look at New York.

Why not? Would oligarchs really cut off their own nose to spite their face when heavier tariffs are imposed on china? There's already wild resentment against corporate wealth that the communists are latching on to, so why wouldn't they just emulate what happened at the end of the gilded age?

Nigger when you say "China has no capacity to wage war within it's borders", it's just an incorrect statement. Any confrontation with the US would occur outside of China's borders. Having a realistic view of the geopolitical situation doesn't make me a chink retard.

Hong Kong won't exist for much longer.

>suppressing local uprisings
comparing brutalizing civilians with no capacity to fight back to waging war with a first world military?

This, the reason we keep bringing in illegals and H1B visas in is to crush wages. You can hire two brain dead Indian/Chinese engineers for the price of one US engineer. Same goes for construction/road/landscaping/hotel jobs and Mexicans. This thread will be crushed by jannies

Parts of the US elite have been encouraging the anti-China sentiment since China's labor costs are much more than they were a decade or two ago as the country is modernizing into a middle class country by regional standards. Many GOP types are talking of moving manufacturing to India, which perfectly serves the interests of these elites as labor costs there are far lower. It's fine to be anti-Chinese, but at the same time, one has to be careful of not serving US elite interests.

Market forces moved production to China because of cheap labor. Offering a similar product for half the price means you can beat your competitors. This of course means in order to compete, everyone else has to move to China too. Corporate production entities are beholden to their shareholders not their workers. Corps and Congress critters are to blame. Big Corps with enough money to lobby pay Congress critters to pass favorable legislation to make producing in these places easier and create regulations which serve as a barrier to market entry for newcomers. Thus the interests of American workers are subverted.

>waging war with a first world military?
When did I say that?

I lowkey want it to happen. Not that I have a good reason, but this timeline is boring as hell, I want to watch shit go down.

What does Hong Kong have to do with anything? It's basically a fully Chinese city at this point.

The marines are already being rekitted for island hopping, and ocean ASM warfare, so we're getting ready for shit to go down too.

Board IQ just keeps dropping and dropping

Why would there be a war over coronavirus? Are Twitter alarmists this desperate and stupid? Is OP so much of a faggot that he believes it?

Don't you know? It's permanent summer now.

>Market forces
No such thing, only class interests. The factories didn't magically move over there because labor costs were lower, they were moved over there after the efforts of capital. We're really saying the same thing.

>market forces don't exist
Oh my goodness user

Because it's the new popular thing to hate China all the time and obsess about it, and has been since Reddit's baseding over the HK protests. People like having the threads where they say the US should just nuke China because they love the fantasy of it. It's fine to say that China is a legitimate geopolitical opponent to the US, but retards think it's as simple as posting about nuking China on the internet.

See Apparently supply and demand doesn't exist anymore. This is your brain on communism

>he thinks the free hand of the market is a real thing and not just an excuse for rich people to do whatever they want

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Shut the fuck up commie

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>They're already looking at possibly losing the Senate.
There are only 3 toss-ups.

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>he doesn't know that it's possible to create demand
>he doesn't know that supply can be manipulated
This is your brain on libertarianism.

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>having an understanding of class dynamics makes you a communist

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>>Market forces
>No such thing,

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/k/ hated China long before the HK protests. Remember the impressive pasta?

Implessive posting has always been a thing since Changposting is also a thing. There's just been a huge uptick in 'could the US nuke China' threads since the virus shit.

ESL chink spotted.

>They're already looking at possibly losing the Senate.

You can thank immigration for that.

>someone doesn't think the PLA is cartoonishly bad
>he's chinese

Any market phenomenon that occurs without outside influence is very minor compared to the deliberate actions of nations and massive firms.

Those faggots are frontin'. Just laugh at them.

I haven't seen someone post the impressive pic with the pasta and the pissballs in ages.

Nothing would make me happier than seeing a bunch of chicoms get their shit pushed in.

Born and raised in the US, but my parents are from HK.

>The economies would collapse
People said the same shit about World War One and Two and yet that didnt stop the wars from happening.

After 2012 when sandy hook happened the board took a huge nose dive in quality. Almost impossible to have a decent conversation now.

Rape their merchant fleet to death by any means necessary. Worst Korea and Japan would probably join in on that fun.

Yes. Now shut the fuck up dingus.

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With nukes.

When was the last time there was ever an actual uprising in mainland China
>inb4 chang tries and use Tiananmen square

>class don't real
Damn, I'm convinced

It would have to be on a neutral shithole around the Indian ocean. Don’t see either side surviving an invasion, which would be catastrophic.

The whole reason there hasn't been is because of the PLA. It's like saying the Red Army didn't have a function of cracking down on uprisings inside Russia, after they established they would decades ago. You have brain rot if you think stating the Chinese Army's primary function is to kill Chinese citizens is a pro-Chinese stance.







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I’m sure China could land a few solid blows before we contained them, maybe a carrier group or two, and cyber mayhem. but long run we reduce their critical infrastructure and blockades their trade. There won’t be a shooting war, but maybe some small violent incidents at sea so they can save face. I wouldn’t want to fight a fanatical enemy like the red Chinese, my gramps did it at Chopin and he had nothing but respect for their toughness. Red Chinese are even more brainwashed than us marines, they aren’t the Chinese of the colonial era.

You want to get manufacturing out of China? Get money out of political campaigns at home.

Here come the the warhawks to endorse a war vs a modern political power when we couldn't win one against farmers with SKSs.


Venezuela arrested at least 8 more mercs today, reportedly including 2 US Americans

They were part of a failed plot to raid Venezuelan military bases. AP exposed the op last week, claiming a private military contractor planned it. Which US & Colombian officials helped it along?

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Killing chinese isn't war, it's pest control.

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China declares war on the US
>US lead blockade of China
>Sharing the load of that blockade with other NATO countries helps slow down the economic catastrophe
>America shifts its manufacturing to Eastern Europe
>Economic problems still need a more aggressive solution
>An idea strikes them
>The next day the CIA starts selling Afghan opium in China
If the rest of NATO drags its heels about contributing to the blockade then promise them some nice colonies on former Chinese soil

Ask our good friend and eternal ally Israel for help.

Lockdown, shutdown economy, and defund military. We'll win the war that way.

>Market forces
>No such thing, only class interests.

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>you called me a communist
>therefore you must think class isn't real
>me smart
Nice try dingus. You got any other worthless opinions put out there?

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China controls pretty much the world's entire supply of Rare Earth Metals. They turn off the taps, our computer and telecoms networks fail overnight, and China wins instantly.

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Damn I wonder what medical invalid is behind this post

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Republican politicians dont give a fuck about you or your rights/viewpoint. They are corporate puppets who use fake ideals as a carrot on a stick to trick you into voting for them again. They will NEVER give you what you want because then you wont "need" them anymore.

>It's fine to be anti-Chinese, but at the same time, one has to be careful of not serving US elite interests.
Fuck off.

You can say the exact same thing about the opposite party. Your point is what, exactly?

and approximately none of those REM deposits are in areas that are not part of China. Just apply pressure to a few broke African countries, one or two occupations - sorry 'peace-keeping missions', and that monopoly is broken

kys chink

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what economy? let the war come.

In the meantime, we'll have no way to replenish our stockpiles of missiles because they all require rare earth minerals processed in China. DoD contractors do not want to break this Chinese monopoly because profit. DoD assessment shows we would need 10 year if we take it as a national project ala Manhattan project if we want our rare earth supply to be domestic.

Nevada, California, Canada, alaska, and a bunch of other places have plenty rare earth deposits, but China has undercut them on price because mining rare earths is a nasty polluting business and they could give a shit about their environment. We’ve exported not only our most labor intensive industries, but also the most polluting. Which is a kind of warfare right there, they are salting their own earth.

>US Sea and Air supremacy would be obtained
Didn't the American military war game a conflict in the South China Sea in which they got absolutely BTFO?

Dugan was right

China's only future paths are kowtowing or isolation. Their military is only going to be used in repressing domestic revolts.
Fewer people will want to do trade with China after all of this, numerous militaries have already begun restructuring to counter China, and public opinion of China is a lot lower.
The CCP is either forced to shut up and accept they are not going to have anything close to the worldwide dominance they planned for, retain what partners they can, and try to find some kind of industry that does not rely on exporting. Or they can be like the Imperial Japanese, try some kind of offensive to capture territory, and get slapped by numerous nations.

Yes, at the outset of any conflict we don’t want carrier groups near China.

Not that user but my point is that its big business/corporations vs the people. This left/right and red/blue bullshit is just a distraction from the real issues while they pilfer from whatever your pockets have left. They would sell out the country if they could make a quick buck.

Germanys largest trade partner before ww2.....


Japan's largest trade partner before ww2.....

United states

This is a good thing. If China defeated the United States military it'd mean a weaker American government.

basado unironically
The US is not perpetually tied to China nor the China, US. Shit happens and countries shift things around to compensate.

It would be incredibly stupid of China to not be gearing up for war with the US, just like it would be stupid of the US not to be gearing up for war with China (which we are). We’re already basically in Cold War 2: China Boogaloo and the CCP has openly stated their intent to invade Taiwan by 2047.

>what is Tibet
>what is Xinjiang

You're gay

How burned out from the internet does your brain have to be to drive you to post random Zig Forums infographics in a thread?

>t. butthurt lolburts

>internal Chinese report
>source: our ass

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>t. inbred echo chamber trust child OR wagecuck

>aka a normal person

This, same shit as the 'Kim Jong Un died' crap

The covid quarantine has been especially hard on the impressible types. It's the reason both the commies and actual nazis are getting bolder: it's easy to manipulate people when they're scared, isolated, and unsure of the future.

Based bug exterminators

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Place missiles in Japan.

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take yer swing

>How should the US respond?
Too late, as usual.

You ask very good questions because I have never heard such terms before. Very strange.
Please don't mention them again.

You're one of those retards who knows nothing about a topic but can't keep his mouth shut.


>opium wars part II: enduring boogaloo

90% of the population is Han Chinese and they have an overwhelmingly favorable few of the CCP, those who view it negatively are either upset that isn't enough like the USSR under Stalin or the third Reich under hitler, or they are minorities. They've won a total propoganda victory domestically, most Chinese people are aware of the tiananmen massacre but believe it was necessary to maintain order, they just don't give a shit

Nuking China isn't that hard. It just requires the President not being a pussy. Sadly the only President not a pussy was Truman.

>super powers are gong to go to war over one blaming the other for a virus that effected both
Nah, Trump might be stupid enough to ramp up the trade war and fully burn the US economy but China won't be effected too much.

>China is gearing up for war with the US.
Lol, it's more likely going to be the opposite, this aint a movie you know.

China knows fully well that the US is going down the shitter within the next several decades. Demographic changes, Republicans on the verge of losing every election for the next fifty years, SJWers taking key positions in every organization, Chinese spies stealing all the billion dollar R&D, American businessmen having moved all the factories to China thus turning China into an economic superpower for free. Virtually every problem was caused by the US and now they cry about it.

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I've hated China since I was in short pants, Foo Young.

We must work to defend the dignity of China.

I think China is on enough Countries shit-list with this whole Wuhan hangover thing that starting a war or having a war started on would have them steamrolled

>how should the US respond?
By completely ignoring them.
>the US is their primary source of income
>the US is their primary source of information
>the US is a major source of their imported foods
>the US has sufficient military assets in the region to deter or repel any targeted aggression
If the US stopped actively doing business with China their economy would collapse. This in turn would force them to either reform or start shit before they're fully prepared, leading to them getting their asses handed to them.

>move the bulk of their manufacturing back to the US
Have fun with $900 shoes and $80 underwear that doesn't last any better because US workers are lazy and unskilled despite their world-class compensation.

China literally can't go to war with America while we have bases and allies surrounding their country

if they can be believed, the Nevada lithium mine is almost ready. would supply most of our lithium demands if the supply chain shifted from china.

>moving the bulk of their manufacturing back to the US
Not happening. It's all going to be moved to other cheap ass countries.


assuming we manage to eliminate most of the major navel threats in the SCS, do we have any personnel who have actual experience in SEAD for when we have to whittle down the Chinese mainland?

Truman literally stopped the nuking of China back when it was actually feasible under MacArthur.

I don't read ching chong retard

>whittle down the chinese mainland
user, that's what bombers are for. No need for boots on the ground if you can destroy their critical infrastructure from the air. It's not the middle east, where the enemy is hidden among the populace and needs to get dragged out before we can engage, we know very well what is/isn't necessary for the CCP war machine to function

Limited nuking of the coral reef and the amazon rainforest, also the ice caps too. That'll do the trick, save us from everything.

>Here come the the warhawks to endorse a war vs a modern political power when we couldn't win one against farmers with SKSs.

Guerilla tactics have always been OP. and they always will be. A stand up fight against another conventional force is right up the US Militay's alley.

do you know what SEAD is?

>Of all the campaigns of my life, 20 major ones to be exact, [Korea was] the one I felt most sure of was the one I was deprived of waging. I could have won the war in Korea in a maximum of 10 days.... I would have dropped between 30 and 50 atomic bombs on his air bases and other depots strung across the neck of Manchuria.... It was my plan as our amphibious forces moved south to spread behind us—from the Sea of Japan to the Yellow Sea—a belt of radioactive cobalt. It could have been spread from wagons, carts, trucks and planes.... For at least 60 years there could have been no land invasion of Korea from the north. The enemy could not have marched across that radiated belt."

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The enemy could have returned the favor, and a backwater like Korea was a trifle compared to Europe. Amateurs focus on single constabulary operations. Professionals focus on grand strategy.

Sure, but everyone has become hysterical about it recently. There's like 3 fucking threads a day about "Why hasn't the US nuked China?" I get it, you hate chinks, most of us do, but saying 'just nuke china' is pants on head retarded.

>dead chinks
>korea probably gone too
>NYC and other large cities gone
Who loses exactly?
We literally could've just let Brezhnev do it and not even be involved and the Sino -Soviet situation would've solved itself, but Nixon and Kissinger got involved and stopped him.

Do any of you faggots think that when US companies started moving shit to China, or when they started using human trafficked labor and fired all their American workforce, they passed the savings on to you? Those fucking scumbags are treasonous, on par with the universities selling research secrets to the Chinese
If we're ever going to win a war against China, we will have to battle for our own nation's soul just as much as we will have to obliterate the Chinese navy and their factory base

>it's not a big deal to have all major infrastructure be wiped out

>be best Korea
>claps salt DMZ
>use pic related to clear the DMZ when the wind is blowing south
>laugh as worst Korea has more birth defects than a royal family

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China didn't have nuclear/atomic arms in the 50s, so no, they couldn't.

>wipe out centers of government, media and academia who ruined the country
>also lose some infastructure
>leave China alone to become the second largest world power, cause massive pollution and willingly destroy all of infrastructure and technology via technical transfer to china lol lower cost of production

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>It's all going to be moved to other cheap ass countries
That's fine. It should have been in places like India and Mexico to begin with if it was going to be anywhere other than the US. Not only does it help with the whole "no funding a communist dictatorship" thing it also provides less incentive to Mexicans and Indians to come go the US if they can get a job in their own countries, which is where they fucking belong.

Manufacturing of the things that have been offshored us never coming back unless it's basically completely automated. The US still manufactures a shit ton, and many sensitive and advanced outputs that you can't just have unskilled workers produce. The much more likely nearer term outcome would involve moving manufacturing out of China to other, even lower labor cost countries. In the medium term it would be this combined with reshored automated manufacturing.

red and basedpilled, nuke the bugmen

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Remember Paddy, nobody invited your illiterate shitstains relatives. And a massive fucking advantage of the US which we've totally pissed away is attracting everyone else's smart people. A huge percentage of US doctors are foreign born. A ton of engineers and scientists are immigrants. The overwhelming majority want to stay here.

>concerned about the environment
>wants a massive nuclear exchange
It's not like there aren't other options.

Except for most of our pharmaceuticals and increasingly many of our industrial chemicals. Shit, we can't even produce little metal bits for boots - the government had to allow for an exemption to the requirement it be fabbed in the US if it's for military use for the little metal eyelets.

Manufacturing of low value, unimportant shit isn't worth the US's time. Leave that to the poorer countries other than China.

Imagine being this fucking stupid. Your entire knowledge is based on reading headlines but not any actual articles or books.

China experiences hundreds of thousands of "mass unrest incidents" annually, these being defined as 'Mass incidents are defined broadly as "planned or impromptu gathering that forms because of internal contradictions", and can include public speeches or demonstrations, physical clashes, public airings of grievances, and other group behaviors that are seen as disrupting social stability'. It's not exactly smooth sailing, but they're good at smoothing it over.

Who knows what Alaska has. It's not really that well prospected. Loads of shit, I assume, but you have to pay out the ass to prospect and it's torture trying to get a mine going.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are fine, just turn China into a wild life park with no human inhabitants.
1.4 billion chinks almost make me wish for a nuclear winter.

Yeah all those obese ogres cutting my grass are just rocket scientists in waiting.

Since you're determined to miss the point intentionally and just be a syphilitic little cunt your whole life, you should just do everyone a favor and blow your brains out with a 12 gauge.

If you're the kind of person that is only intelligent enough to muster a career in cutting grass in someone else's company, to the detriment of the native citizenry, then everyone would be better off with that person working on an assembly line in their own country stitching up sneakers. For every doctor you show me there are thousands like those I just described.

Normal =/= good/smart

theyve been gering up for war with the US for 20 years. we should respond by nuking them back in 1955 when we had the legal and moral chance during the korean war they illegally entered

>I think a lot more nations would be willing to deal with the US than China.
I wish that were the case user. With the “belt and road initiative”, cheaper alternatives in Asia, and the EU trying to prioritize itself over other nations, especially the US, I doubt foreign nations will choose the US as an option to outsource manufacturing.
This. Ever heard of the liberal talking point of how “they pay taxes” and “work hard” and “do jobs normal “anglos” refuse to do”? They shill that idea to promote the idea that it’s ok to under pay illegals in shitty working conditions to for billionaire and corporations to sell cheap goods to the American populace. Fuck them and the industries that hire illegals.

2 nuclear bombs =/= hundreds all at the same time

Third post best post

Nuclear fucking holocaust.

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>Democrats are already digging their own political graves.
Why do you people not ever acknowledge the demographic problem in politics? Almost all of our immigration comes from shitskin countries and they always vote Democrat, that hasn't changed, ever. You'll never get them to vote right. Do you know what happens when the only group of people who vote majority Republican become minorities? The OTHER party becomes dominant in every form of government except local, and we engineered our government to be extremely top-heavy after the civil-war. Grow up, pal, Democrats aren't fuckin losing no matter what they do because no matter how many fuckin jobs you create for Mexicans or how many gibs you send to Blacks, they're going to vote left and they're gonna ban guns.

this. we let all the impoverished idiot illegals from 3rd world shitholes in but restrict the intelligent productive ones from 1st world nations in the west because they actually follow the laws

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>The economies of both nations would collapse literately over night.
Sounds like that'd benefit the kikes. So, prepare for false flags and war.

Am i the only one who wishes a western country would do a nuclear bomb test again solely for the purpose of capturing it on modern day camera tech?
imagine seeing this shit in extreme slow-mo 4k and all the other massive advances in technology we've made since the last tests.

>celebrating a literal glow in the dark CIA nigger who got arrested and tried the last days of his life
Self own

It's making people desperate, and desperate people start wars.

Oh hey whats up Zig Forums, what are you doing here? How come you aren't in Zig Forums?

go to bed mohammad


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>still seething

I find that most of these China vs U.S. or South China Sea sources are from India.

I'm not even a lefty so I don't care, but he's not even like pic related who got away with everything he did and has a long lasting legacy. He was a failure and didn't even maintain a legacy within his lifetime.

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Vertical escalation in europe

>Pinochet did not have a long lasting legacy
Chile would be a very different and almost certainly worse place today had Allende been allowed to stay in power.

>the PLA has very important functions as suppressing local uprisings

Itt: retarded mutts putting their terminal mental disabilities on full display.

They will take europe before the US

because it most definitively is

Probably not, Soviet aligned countries typically kept out immigrants and liberal influence, which Chile suffers a lot from today.

basically this, reminds me of based polish merc forgot his name

Not by regional standards which was my whole point.

>uh oh, war were declared
>oh shit, we're losing millions of military and civilians casualties because we don't even have basic pharmaceuticals to treat things like infections with
>oh shit we're out of boots because we don't make fucking eyelets
>oh shit our cars don't work because we don't make xyz generic consumables

Are you retarded on purpose or does it just come naturally?

hopefully with the full might of the American military. FUCK CHINA

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Having problems with immigration means that your country is one people want to move to; i.e. is more prosperous and/or generally nice to live in than other places. If Allende had been allowed to implement socialism in Chile, that would not be the case.

Pretty much, there's also plenty of developing nations out there who will do work if China doesn't. Vietnam, India, Thailand, Philippines, most of eastern europe etc

Plus the bonus round is that if your state punches a nuclear state, you get hit with the big reset back to stone age


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>Any confrontation with the US would occur outside of China's borders.
no it really wouldnt

>They shill that idea to promote the idea that it’s ok to under pay illegals in shitty working conditions to for billionaire and corporations to sell cheap goods to the American populace. Fuck them and the industries that hire illegals.
It truly boggles my fucking mind that all the people of color or whatever are literally being used as slave labor and they're proud of it. What kind of fucking clown world do we live in where the so called fighters of slavery perpetuate slavery itself? Modern liberalism is such a joke that nobody should take seriously but in our over-socialized society people are willing to absolutely anything for social brownie points

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And they wouldn't be getting flooded with 8 trillion beaners who are causing the country to move left anyway and who will lower the standards of living of the country.

>China is gearing up for war with the US.
>China has no capacity to wage war within it's borders
>This is entirely wrong,

>source: my ass

Such things only exist in civilised settings as sort of an annoying thought experiment, soon as shit goes crazy- everything just goes back to secularism, extended family and a fuck everyone else attitude.

My statement is still correct since it has capacity to wage war within its own borders for the purposes of suppressing local uprisings. Besides, even if the US invades, yeah China has enormous capacity to wage war. It doesn't mean they need to win a conventional war, but even winning that wouldn't be a cake walk for the US. Even if the US succeeds at that, all the CCP has to do is to ensure proliferation of anti tank and anti air weapons to guerrillas to make it hugely damaging to the US.

>waaahhhhh people in this thread aren't a bunch of commies they must be Zig Forums

>no matter how many fuckin jobs you create for Mexicans or how many gibs you send to Blacks, they're going to vote left and they're gonna ban guns.

Don't be too sure with African-Americans, trump blew up on twitter and tiktok and shit with praise in response to his COVID stimulus checks he gave to them.

Then again, he is a gun-grabber.

The US is moving to negate MAD with a data-linked mixture of Aegis ABMs, B-21s and F-35s with LRASMs, new SSBNs with new SLBMs and HGVs, and most crucially an array of Space Force skunkworks being orbited as we speak; all working together to nuke-murder Russia and China in their sleep.

So nukes don't really matter anymore? We can just go back to stomping on other countries because we don't like them now? The existential angst of the 20th century is now ogre?

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Remove "Republican"

The US already IS stomping on every country that it doesn't 'like' (control), with the sole exception of a handful of nuclear-powered countries - but even those countries are the victims of covert ops and economic warfare. Nukes will always matter more and more, as they proliferate and improve, they are a proven bulwark against a very large threshold of aggression.

Mind you, this US first-strike capability being developed is all nuclear-tipped, and wouldn't possibly work if it wasn't. Russia and China are more than aware of this, and are scrambling to keep up and maintain the MAD with their own countermeasures (more/better missiles and subs with more efficient warheads, primarily, as well as their own secret space assets).

Expect the MAD with Iran, Pakistan, and Best Korea to be effectively negated, but their uranium and warheads are still a huge deterrent as a wild-card .

So America can really fuck up other countries without getting too fucked up in return but MAD still exists? You're not being crystal clear right now

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>So America can really fuck up other countries without getting too fucked up in return

Not yet, but they're actively working towards this condition an it's not unrealistic.

>MAD still exists?

Yeah, for now, but only with Russian and Chinese arsenals, because they're keeping up with delivery systems.

Nope, don't listen to any retard here telling you otherwise. That will only change if we see someone actually come close to using them again.

>Yeah, for now, but only with Russian and Chinese arsenals, because they're keeping up with delivery systems.
MAD still exists with the smaller countries to some extent as well since the US doesn't want its regional allies to get nuked either.

US can't do shit. There's 10 million chinese 5th column in the US. US would be destroyed if China was attacked.

>any personnel who have actual experience in SEAD
That's 80s era thinking. Nobody is going to risk pilots for SEAD when semi-autonomous drones and cruise missiles exist and are already heavily stockpiled. Even if china's air defense network turned out to be ultra-effective compared to the very poor showings of air defense networks vs SEAD and missile attacks during the last few decades, the US can afford to chip away at the network for as long as they need to, while China is bleeding out from the get go due to their lack of internal food, iron ore and fuel production and cannot last in a siege, let alone a battle for attrition where every enemy mission is threatening either their defense network, vital infrastructure or industry.
The only way that they can hold against the US is if they keep them away from their borders and keep their trade flowing, either by gathering allies within their neighbors (who coincidentally all hate them with a passion) or by rapidly expanding their navy to a point where they can challenge the US at sea.
Anything less and the US can just whittle them down or starve them out.

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>10 million

And like 200 million armed American patriots lol, what do you think will happen to that Chinese minority?

10 million is more than enough to sabotage pretty much every piece of infrastructure. 200 million is not enough to stop 10 million.

>Not yet, but they're actively working towards this condition an it's not unrealistic.
So if we reduced the amount of america nuked from 100% to merely 10% the american government would be willing to wage war against other nuclear countries?
>Yeah, for now, but only with Russian and Chinese arsenals, because they're keeping up with delivery systems.
If that's true then why the hell didn't america invade Iran before Corona Chan fucked the entire world to high hell?

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>10 million chinese 5th column in the US
That's a lot of yellow sex slaves once the national guard and vigilantes round them all up and execute the men.
You're talking about a country where the public cheered two different forever wars against strategically worthless bumfuck thirdworld countries because of a terrorist attack that had almost nothing to do with either country. Americans do not give a single fuck about tolerance and diversity once they get the sent of blood, chang.

>The economies of both nations would collapse overnight
Not true. Wartime economies are incredibly strong as we saw in the first two World Wars. The end of the war is when debts are determined and paid.
>US Sea and Air supremacy would be obtained
For now. China's development on said technologies is rapidly advancing. They will soon exceed what the USSR had at the height of its power militarily, and won't have to compromise their economy to do so.
>Republicans are not going to start another war
If China decided to attack us first it won't matter who's man is in the White House

You have no concept of geopolitics, desu

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Not any more. Trumpism and isolationism have made the people of the US averse to any conflict, they'd rather just roll over. Look at Iran. They fired missiles at US bases and killed Americans. The response of the American people was "no we don't want war!". America as a fighting force is done.

Seconding this, but do it in outer space

>They fired missiles at US bases and killed Americans.
Rofl, ok Achmed.

Germany said the same shit in the 1930s, look how that turned out.

They literally did.

That's not really a fair comparison. The world was a very different place back then.

>They literally did.
There were zero American deaths caused by the iranian missile attack, mohammed.

I wasn't referring to that one.

yes your source is incredibly weak

>to wage war within its own borders for the purposes of suppressing local uprisings.
name a time this has been shown?

So you weren't referring to the only recent iranian missile attack... this should be good.

>Japan dabs on pearl harbor because any military brass that were smart enough to know america was too big of a beast to fight was drowned out by all the overconfident bickering shitheads
>Hitler declares war on america because he wants to honor what little allies he has
>this is the same as all of Germany saying America is full of weak pussies despite a considerable chunk of american demographics consisting of German ancestry

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We tell Japan they can kick chinas shit in like WW2 and we won't bother them this time.
> Japs faces when

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>They fired missiles at US bases and killed Americans

Note the "and". I'm obviously referring to different events (the Americans were killed by rockets). Not my fault you lack reading comprehension.

>Market forces
Funny way of saying greed

>So if we reduced the amount of america nuked from 100% to merely 10% the american government would be willing to wage war against other nuclear countries?

Absolutely, don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

>If that's true then why the hell didn't america invade Iran before Corona Chan fucked the entire world to high hell?

Notice how Corona's worst strain skipped over Pakistan and Afghanistan into Iran? Corona WAS an attack on Iran and China.

>Notice how Corona's worst strain skipped over Pakistan and Afghanistan into Iran? Corona WAS an attack on Iran and China.

Retard. Iranians travel more, the virus hit countries with people who regularly travel to China First.


>TFW you're so desperate to be a slave that the concept of freedom offends you

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How about the several decades you moron?

Freedom to do what? Work for Amazon and be gay?

oh please please please do this. Killing communists at home would be a /k/ommandos wet dream, ousting chinks from the west would be Zig Forumss wet dream and you would see an America so united and so full of bloodlust that china would cease to exist. DO IT SLANT EYES I FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!!!!

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If I was Trump right now I would be weaponizing the hell out of Japan, worst korea and the flips to invade China after America figures out how to disable chink nukes. Say what you will about east asians but they all pretty much hate China to death.
When do you predict that america will be capable of pulling that shit? I know I'm going to see WW3 within my lifetime but waging war got really complicated after nukes were invented

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>retvrn to tradition, commvnist man

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>Note the "and". I'm obviously referring to different events (the Americans were killed by rockets).
Based ESL muzzie trying to talk shit when he lacks a even basic grasp of english grammar and syntax.

Either way, ramadan must have fried the last of your braincells even harder this year abdul, because you're misremembering that particular episode pretty badly. Let me remind you:
>Iran is funding and organizing terrorist attacks against US and Iraqi troops in Iraq.
>Have the arrogance to send a high level general there personally, multiple times.
>US gets sick of Irans shit and drones said general.
>Iran throws a hissy fit and tries to missile strike US troops.
>Embarrasses themselves by failing to kill a single soldier, while claiming to have killed 80.
>International community and American public reminded that Iran are retarded maddogs who can't be dealt with diplomatically.
>Iran status: outplayed, once again.

And right after they got outplayed hard by the west with the tit for tat ship impoundments too.
It's crazy to think that at one point in history, both Muslim/Persian leaders were actually politically competent and played the game, instead of just getting played. I guess that's what centuries of inbreeding and killing free thinkers does for you.

You are aware that ANTIFA would love it if you started attacking Americans, right? They'd fuck you up hard.


yeah no

Antifa would fold in a millisecond if America and China were at war. Hell, the FBI and homeland security would blackbag all of their leadership before the few hardcore true believers could mobilize for protests.
I don't think you even understand what antifa is.

I was thinking about this earlier today. How would china react to the USA pushing for Japan to rearm and field an actual army instead of a defense force? Be nice to see the Japs preparing for massive urban warfare and how they'd adapt tech for it.

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Don’t forget
>On high alert for possible US escalation
>Detect a plane and launch a missiles at it
>Whoops, just killed a bunch of your own civilians and civvies from other countries
>Also, dozens die after getting trampled at the general’s funeral

police action doesn't mean much user

Lol what? First of all, ANTIFA are punk bitch cowards, secondly Chinese sleepercells are not American.

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We literally have normal americans and fuds on our side in that situation

>For every doctor you show me there are thousands like those I just described
This is true of native citizens as well. What the fuck is your point? Do you own your own company? Are you a successful engineer? You're not? Must be your fault, faggot.

Thanks for reminding me. Classic shit.

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Modern commies are vehemently against tradition though

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>Antifa would fold in a millisecond
no it would not.
that's a BS image and you know it.
>We literally have normal americans and fuds on our side in that situation
you'd be shocked if you knew how many prominent "gun people" are leftists.

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You would literally see patriotic Americans killing Antifa if they started fighting with the Chinese….

>you'd be shocked if you knew how many prominent "gun people" are leftists.
I've been around gun people my whole life. most are conservatives or democrats, and all of them fantasize over the idea of fighting a foreign entity that they have legitimate cause to kill. I can guarantee you Antifa would be wiped away the second they attacked

Yeah sure, cool. You wasted your time with that wall of text as it entirely misses the point of what I said initially. That is, the population of the US is terrified of war due to Trumpism and isolationism.

Ask yourself, would the US of thirty years ago accept what Iran has been doing? Killing Soleimeini was not a decisive move, it was an exercise in kicking the can down the road for a bit longer.

Bolton is right. The only way you can stop Iran is regime change, and that's not happening from sanctions.

God damn that has to be the most cherry picked image ever made.

>we didn't nuke the Soviets in 1947
>we didn't nuke China in 1950
Truly the worst timeline.

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>I've been around gun people my whole life. most are conservatives or democrats, and all of them fantasize over the idea of fighting a foreign entity that they have legitimate cause to kill.

I don't disagree with you but you're not helping your argument here. Of course your bubble doesn't have antifa types, it's your own bubble. It's not representative of the wider picture.

>Have the arrogance to send a high level general there personally, multiple times

Invited by the Iraqi government after being lured by a fake US negotiation. On top of murdering him, you also murdered several Iraqis, including a general.

You mutts are so normalised to the nonchalant murder of people you don't like, that you consider it "arrogrance" for Iraq's neighbor that you dislike to work with them.

We should fuck China over by moving factories to Russia. Then we can have vatnik made products and lobbyists could put russian arms imports back on the table.

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Everyone in that imagine is getting a 4am visit from the government at the merest hint that antifa cells are sympathetic to the Chinese. Either way, antifa would lose 99.999% of their membership in an instant if they declared allegiance with China:
>The CCP aren't real communists and a closer to proton-fascism than anything.
>The vast majority are normal people who will side with their nation over a enemy nation in actual war.
>The vast majority are also middle class college kids and teenagers who don't have any real fight in them and won't go against strong public opinion, let alone concerted police or vigilante action.
>The organizations are well known to the intelligence community and could be decapitated and defunded effortlessly.
>Most groups do their organization through social media and the internet in general, making their communications effortless to spy on or shut down completely.
Antifa groups are only able to operate because the government allows them to operate. In a martial law scenario where the government has decided to go after them and/or shut down the internet, they can't even muster the few of them willing to fight the police, let alone do meaningful damage.

We'd fuckin do it again too. Why don't you go back to the pasture and fuck some goats Ackhmed

>That is, the population of the US is terrified of war due to Trumpism and isolationism.
political science major garbage. The US just was tired of wars after just recently toning down Iraq and Afghanistan. Also the reasoning wasn't there to do a full invasion, Solemeini was a decisive move and we have seen a lot less actions from Iran because of it.

cope harder antifaggot

>Of course your bubble doesn't have antifa types, it's your own bubble. It's not representative of the wider picture.
no its no just my bubble, I've lived in 7 states and been to multiple different gun ranges and stores, I am part of gun forums and keep track of youtubers communities, I've had plenty of conversations with gun owners outside of these environments. With all of that I can say with certainty that leftists are by far a small minority

Russians are Chinese level aggressive but about 1000x smarter. no thanks

I wish the US just balkanized already, jesus fuck. I'm so tired of your bullshit and meme president being in the news 24/7.

I'm sitting on the sidelines waiting for some wannabe college students to drown in the Gulf. But at least you dropped the pretense that you're combating 'terrorism'!

Lol somebody doesn't understand how politics work.

War can be complained about all day, people vote in leaders who go to war.

US economy EXPLODES during war time.

>Bolton is right. The only way you can stop Iran is regime change, and that's not happening from sanctions.
If the US actually wanted to end Iran, they could have done it any time they wanted to. They choose to give Iran the stick now and then purely out of obligation to Saudi Arabia, otherwise Iran is virtually irrelevant outside of the instances where they get uppity e.g. the oil tanker attacks and openly organizing terrorism, in which case they get slapped down like the pathetic pussies that they are. The west's decisive move against Iran has always been crippling sanctions and will continue to be for the foreseeable future or until Iran tries to be a big boy again. Iran just isn't important enough to waste resources on, especially when sanctions keep them starving and desperate.

>On top of murdering him, you also murdered several Iraqis, including a general.
You mean the traitor general with open ties to Iran's islamic revolutionary guard that had previously been sanctioned by the US as a terrorist? That one?
Rofl Mohammad, get it together.

>we have seen a lot less actions from Iran because of it

That is factually incorrect. The number of provocative actions they've taken has increased.


*anti-US, you're still brainwashed into thinking that US interests and Iraqi interests are the same

never gonna happen chink.

wanna give a source on that

Iraq is a puppet. the interests are the same

>Working against Iraqi government interests
>Assisting Iran to organize anti-government insurgents and help them carry out attacks against iraqi troops
>For Iran, Iraqi's sworn enemy for several decades
>Also worked with Iran during the Sadam era
Even a moon worshipping inbred subhuman like yourself should be able to see that he was an A class traitor who earned himself a seat in the convoy from the Iraqi government.

you are retarded

Not for long though, Iran will help them achieve independence.

>working against Iraq
*With Iraq, killing ISIS insurgents and US welfare recipients is in Iraq's sovereign interests
>Attacks against Iraqi troops
Mutt calling the kettle black, are ISIS Iraqi troops now? Or were you referring to the USAF when talking about attacks against Iraqi troops?
>Iraq's sworn enemy
Only under Saddam, during a war you mutts incentivized
>Muh Saddam
I guess Saddam was okay when he was gassing Kurds and Persians

If fighting you and the other diabetics is 'treason' to Iraq then I guess he's a 'traitor', strange new definition

>Iran will help them achieve independence.
no chance in hell

>Mutt calling the kettle black
kek so transparent. stay mad

lookit the schnozz on that 'un

Yeah and this one too

>mad sandy stays mad

>Muh ISIS, Muh Mutts
Kataib hezbollah is a Shiite supremacist revolutionary organization that attacks iraqi troops more than it ever attacked mutts or ISIS. Iran explicitly backs them and the PMF because they (were) destabilize the sunni led iraqi government and this is also the reason why the Iraqi government put him on that convoy - so that they could be rid of his traitorous pro-Iranian elected-government-usurping ass without having to arrest and kill him themselves.

>I guess Saddam was okay when he was gassing Kurds and Persians
No, you retarded goatfucker. During the Sadam era he joined the Iranian military and carried out military and terrorist operations against Iranian adversaries at the behest of his Iranian masters over the Iraq-Iran war including Kuwait, France and the US, as well as organizing combat action against the Iraqi military itself.
He was an Iranian puppet that worked against the interests of his own country before and after sadam and even as an elected official in the government of the nation he was betraying. He was the king of traitors, which is why the iraqis had the US kill him.

>n-no ur mad


>Waaaaah they're destabilizing the regionerino
They were one of the main forces keeping ISIS out of Baghdad (and it's democratically elected Shia government), since the US proxy forces surrendered in Mosul despite a 20-1 numerical advantage. You're lying when you accuse them of disproportionately fighting other Iraqis, they're primarily a mutt-removal service, now that ISIS is currently contained.

>he joined the Iranian military and carried out military operations against Saddam, Kuwait, France and the US

You're still not explaining how that makes him a terrorist, you still seem to define terrorism as only when against people the mutts like. Please google the definition of terrorism.

>He was an Iranian puppet

Iranian *ally

>worked against the interests of his own country before and after saddam

*During Saddam, which actually meant he was acting in the interest of many Iraqis.

>why the iraqis had the US kill him.

Which is why the Iraqi parliament voted in a landslide to have you mutts evicted...... Because they TOTALLY want to continue being the battleground for your IsraelWars. Get your head out of your mongrel ass, you're not actually welcome in the region.


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>You're lying when you accuse them of disproportionately fighting other Iraqis, they're primarily a mutt-removal service, now that ISIS is currently contained.
Is that why they've attacked over 20 iraqi bases in the time since ISIS fell and only one US installation? How many levels of propaganda are you on right now, rasheed?

>You're still not explaining how that makes him a terrorist
Maybe you should actually read up on who you're defending, ya fucking pawn.
>Organized bombings against civilian targets in Kuwait.
>Worked with Quds against the Iraqi military.
>Headed up kataib hezbollah while it was carrying out bombings and assassinations against the Iraqi miltiary, civilians and government officials.
>Assisted Iran to fund and organize various anti-government terrorist groups in Iraq after the fall of ISIS.
Imagine simping for a guy who kills his own country men at the behest of a enemy nation while also being a member of the national government. Pa-fucking-thetic.

>*During Saddam, which actually meant he was acting in the interest of many Iraqis.
Rofl, the reason that he had to leave Iraq in the first place is because he joined Dawa at the height of it's shiite-supremacist terrorist activities. Then he spent his 30s and 40s carrying out terrorist attacks against enemies of Iran.
Do you know ANYTHING about this guy at all?

>Which is why the Iraqi parliament voted in a landslide to have you mutts evicted
Voting to remove the mutts and having the mutts do their dirty work and remove traitorous pro-iranian agents are not mutually exclusive concepts, goat fucker. Mahdi al-Muhandis was killed because the government feared that he might try to stage an Iranian backed coup using his control of the PMF. Welcome to realpolitik kid.

>Nothing burger.
>calling something a nothing burger
>confirmed for retard

>They would sell out the country if they could make a quick buck.
I understand this. However, I also understand the people who say its buisness v. the people also have their motives and would also sell their souls to achieve their end goals and are more often than not the least worthy of power.

They’re always “gearing up” but the reality is they can’t actually threaten the US. At most they could be annoying in the region.

>no it would not.
I've been to a meeting for shits and giggles. Its virtue signaling faggots with a cartoonish understanding of violence. I can guarantee at least half the people in that image showed haven't walked further than the range parking lot with their kit. Zero OPSEC, zero self awareness, its all useful idiots.

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You're applying logic to these people. They don't do that. Right now you can search a few antifa twitter accounts and they will be defending not only China but implying that any and all Chinese wrongdoings for the past 100 years are an anti-communist conspiracy fostered by the CIA etc.

Not only would they immediately defect, but most of their members would follow suit, that is if they didn't have to go and dilate.

thank for god all his bluster and threats when it comes down to it trump doesnt have it in his heart to go to war.

if the dems were in power there would have been a nuclear holocaust by now.