China is gearing up for war with the US. How should the US respond?

It wasn't a mistake because it made the people who pushed for it very wealthy, it was a deliberate scheme.

>Local uprisings are full scale wars against technologically superior opponents with the capacity to almost completely deny you freedom of movement
Okay, chang.

>economies would collapse
The U.S. economy would potentially get stronger as we shifted gears into wartime production. All the companies who could suffer due to being cut off from Chink based labor could prop themselves up by making military stuff here at home. Plus, we've already seen China is willing to use our dependence as a weapon. May as well shoot them whike they do that.

>China cannot wage war within their own...
So this is a reason not to glass them why?

>muh senate
I guarantee not near as many Dems get the votes they are claiming they will. Democrats are already digging their own political graves. Look at Michigan. Look at New York.

Why not? Would oligarchs really cut off their own nose to spite their face when heavier tariffs are imposed on china? There's already wild resentment against corporate wealth that the communists are latching on to, so why wouldn't they just emulate what happened at the end of the gilded age?

Nigger when you say "China has no capacity to wage war within it's borders", it's just an incorrect statement. Any confrontation with the US would occur outside of China's borders. Having a realistic view of the geopolitical situation doesn't make me a chink retard.

Hong Kong won't exist for much longer.

>suppressing local uprisings
comparing brutalizing civilians with no capacity to fight back to waging war with a first world military?

This, the reason we keep bringing in illegals and H1B visas in is to crush wages. You can hire two brain dead Indian/Chinese engineers for the price of one US engineer. Same goes for construction/road/landscaping/hotel jobs and Mexicans. This thread will be crushed by jannies

Parts of the US elite have been encouraging the anti-China sentiment since China's labor costs are much more than they were a decade or two ago as the country is modernizing into a middle class country by regional standards. Many GOP types are talking of moving manufacturing to India, which perfectly serves the interests of these elites as labor costs there are far lower. It's fine to be anti-Chinese, but at the same time, one has to be careful of not serving US elite interests.

Market forces moved production to China because of cheap labor. Offering a similar product for half the price means you can beat your competitors. This of course means in order to compete, everyone else has to move to China too. Corporate production entities are beholden to their shareholders not their workers. Corps and Congress critters are to blame. Big Corps with enough money to lobby pay Congress critters to pass favorable legislation to make producing in these places easier and create regulations which serve as a barrier to market entry for newcomers. Thus the interests of American workers are subverted.