So answer me this...

So answer me this. IF the lockdown continue for a year and a bunch of Americans go into debt and are starving why can't big farmers and food producers just give shit away for free? I mean, big farmers and suppliers have enough money for a dozen lifetimes so why can't they?

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you need 5 hands to do this
why are women's expectations of men so unrealistic

Where are you getting the idea that farmers have enough money for a dozen lifetimes?

Money disappears fast when you have a lot of machinery and facilities to maintain. Everyone is bleeding money right now

Sigh.. why can't people like you think more than 5 minutes into the future?

Why can't you at least speculate about what you demand what actually do?

I recall some farmers get paid directly by the government whether or not they produce enough food. They even destroy extra food not to upset the govt price fixing plans

that would be communism and we can't have communism meddle with coomunism and consumism
also there are laws preventing that, intended to protect you
let the good government protect you user

do girls really feel like their guts are being fucked when a guy pushes her pussy to the max length?

If the lockdown continues into June there will be riots. As it gets hotter people wearing masks will get angrier. Blacks WILL chimp out. Wait until there's a massive power outage on a hot day in June in a city. A year on lockdown is impossible barring UBI and even then riots.
Also I just finished reading your post and you are Big Retard.

They literally are giving them away for free, but you have to drive your own ass to them and get it. Enjoy your cross country trip to the heartlands for some rotting vegetables.

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