So answer me this. IF the lockdown continue for a year and a bunch of Americans go into debt and are starving why can't big farmers and food producers just give shit away for free? I mean, big farmers and suppliers have enough money for a dozen lifetimes so why can't they?
So answer me this...
you need 5 hands to do this
why are women's expectations of men so unrealistic
Where are you getting the idea that farmers have enough money for a dozen lifetimes?
Money disappears fast when you have a lot of machinery and facilities to maintain. Everyone is bleeding money right now
Sigh.. why can't people like you think more than 5 minutes into the future?
Why can't you at least speculate about what you demand what actually do?
I recall some farmers get paid directly by the government whether or not they produce enough food. They even destroy extra food not to upset the govt price fixing plans
that would be communism and we can't have communism meddle with coomunism and consumism
also there are laws preventing that, intended to protect you
let the good government protect you user
do girls really feel like their guts are being fucked when a guy pushes her pussy to the max length?
If the lockdown continues into June there will be riots. As it gets hotter people wearing masks will get angrier. Blacks WILL chimp out. Wait until there's a massive power outage on a hot day in June in a city. A year on lockdown is impossible barring UBI and even then riots.
Also I just finished reading your post and you are Big Retard.
They literally are giving them away for free, but you have to drive your own ass to them and get it. Enjoy your cross country trip to the heartlands for some rotting vegetables.
Distribution is the biggest issue. Most distribution is built for packaged products, so there isn't a strong "farmer to buyer" supply chain. You'd need a very strong hand to build that fast enough to be effective now.
As for why not financially, someone will always be looking to collect on the bills, and if not that, they need to have money to compensate people for services and goods. If people were willing to do things for free, that wouldn't be an issue, but no one is going to provide things farmers need without compensation. It's human greed more than anything, although it isn't completely unjustified.
The best case is that a competent government official emerges and organizes an alternative compensation method during the crisis, such as providing cultivators equipment and services paid for by the government, until the crisis passes and farms can return to operating for profit.
I could do it with three. Except if the chick is deaf, then I'd need five.
>Except if the chick is deaf, then I'd need five.
holy fucking based
Your misreading. You missed the "then" your choking them with one hand and doing the rest with your other.
women fucking disgust me so much
The minute I stopped making love to my conservative Christian wife and started manhandling her, degrading her and shoving my fingers up her ass is the moment our sex life shot up 1,000% and she even started begging me to spank her. After 10 years of vanilla.
Based and checked
Ok I've been staring at this for 10 mins and I still dont get it
Sign language.
slide thread
Someone please ruin the joke by explaining it to me.
Oh haha thank you fren. It is quite humorous. Worthy screencaps for the archive museum
>I mean, big farmers and suppliers have enough money for a dozen lifetimes so why can't they?
Did your parents have any children that lived?
Damn what kind of massive cock do you need to fill out a girl?
with one leg down and one leg up i would bottom in my ex girlfriend and she always told me it hurts but somehow we always ended up doing that same move every few times we fucked.
From what i can find on the internet that postion is called the splitter.
incels, virgins, and retards just can't grasp the balance between destroying a chick and pleasing her.
Why don't you go work on his farm?
How many fucking hands he has
How about you become a farmer, and give away food?
I can see why they let you take over half the world, Diego
stop posting sinful images like that
Yes. That's whats great about fucking skinny chicks, you can SEE the bulge in their guys, it's fucking amazing
What if I told you the massive corporations don't actually have millions upon millions put away doing nothing.
This narrative annoys the shit out of me because it seems half the population thinks this. Why would they do this. Why would they have loads of money sitting around doing jack shit?? Its a business, if they make profit it gets almost immediately reinvested into assets, new property being one. Meaning loans they still have to pay for. Even if some is sitting around it is soon to be gone because of the massive costs of doing business and no profit coming in.
Yes Jeff Bezos is rich for example. He built a very profitable business over decades and decided he deserved a large salary from it. Now if shit got bad for amazon (its not) he could dump all his personal savings into the business to keep serving people in a climate that wont make money. Or he could fuck off and drink cocktails on his massive patio for 20 years and still have plenty left.
Face it user, you would do the same thing.