So you basically pick from just two parties for eternity? Explain yourself americans

So you basically pick from just two parties for eternity? Explain yourself americans.

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>yfw you realize its really just one party

Push this on leftychan. Make em vote for the greens and we'll vote for trump

I always vote Libertarian. I've never voted for Democrat or Republican

Why are you even voting? Honestly.


Was there ever a libertarian candidate representative, senator, or any other political professional that held any sort of power? Ron Paul was republican.

For the same reason you exercise

user, there is evil and there is good.
The left serves Satan. The right serves God.
The left murders babies. The right does not.
The left supports pedophiles. The right does not.
The left wants slaves from Mexico. The right does not.
The left supports racial replacement. The right does not.
All we are asking you to do is to decide between selfishness and righteousness.
Why does that make you so angry?

Pretty sure both sides are evil.