So you basically pick from just two parties for eternity? Explain yourself americans

So you basically pick from just two parties for eternity? Explain yourself americans.

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>yfw you realize its really just one party

Push this on leftychan. Make em vote for the greens and we'll vote for trump

I always vote Libertarian. I've never voted for Democrat or Republican

Why are you even voting? Honestly.


Was there ever a libertarian candidate representative, senator, or any other political professional that held any sort of power? Ron Paul was republican.

For the same reason you exercise

user, there is evil and there is good.
The left serves Satan. The right serves God.
The left murders babies. The right does not.
The left supports pedophiles. The right does not.
The left wants slaves from Mexico. The right does not.
The left supports racial replacement. The right does not.
All we are asking you to do is to decide between selfishness and righteousness.
Why does that make you so angry?

Pretty sure both sides are evil.

Think objectively

It's fucked, maybe the only way to change this two-party system would be if ranked-choice voting was a thing, but since both parties control the media, and the fact that ranked-choice voting would be their downfall, nothing would ever happen

Jesse Ventura became a governor as an independent with a libertarian type platform. In burgerland I think that's about the best they can do, local politics can have some decent people in it at times but as far as the federal level? No.

>imagine being this brainwashed

What I don't get is that you even have to register as this or that in order to be allowed to vote. But then despite being a registered voter you don't have a voter ID? Sounds incredibly retarded.

Damn bro, amerifats pwned (slang for owned, that means you gottem)

I don't really know what to say. Both of them are basically the exact same, with a few minor differences about mainly social politics.

Nah, in November America becomes 1 party state like China.

Holy shit, none so blind

"No you're wrong, I said objectively so you're wrong"

You are exactly right. The naysayers don’t understand where you’re coming from because they don’t see it, but you are talking about individuals here, NOT power players. Thus you are absolutely correct. Spiritual warfare.

reverse cucked from behind and loving it

All realities work on a binary system, there is only the Choice you make, and the Choice you don't.
As the old saying goes: 'three's a crowd'.

After Jesse Ventura won in Minnesota the parties got together and made rules that would prevent a 3rd party from ever joining the debates or winning again.

If that was true why is there only one federal government?

its because single member district a shit
proportional representation would fix this

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STFU kraut you can't even vote Merkel out of office

The United States is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance they have two of them.

People forget by the USSR had election, too! With multiple choices, even!

Think of the federal government like an OS. All software stems from it, because it has to work within its boundaries in order to function properly.

How long has Germany been run by 1 woman?

Ron Paul was part of the republican party, he is not himself a republican per se. He and his son are pretty much the only real libertarians left in American politics. Know why they never had a chance? Guess which country they wanted to stop funding.

Term limits are good, not going to lie. On the other hand what does it matter if you got actually dynasties rotating through office? You were close to getting your third Bush commander in chief, Trump is setting up his ilk as well, the wife of fucking Bill Clinton thought she could run for office, and the wife of Obama might become vice. Germany is fucked but at least Merkel's husband isn't going like, can I become chancellor too?

>He and his son are pretty much the only real libertarians left
>and his son
Ron Paul was amusing because he was a genuine nutjob, a True Believer. Rand Paul is the AOC of the right, just a slimy careerist who adopts some radical rhetoric to fire up his retard base.

That's enough facebook for today.

Oh looky here, the country they wanted too stop funding comes chiming in with her opinion of them. Shocking.

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Yeah, but people don't realize that long terms and dynastic politics are just symptoms of deeper political ills. You can enact term limits, and you'll get just a bunch of people running their wives and sons like what happened in the American South. Ban any sort of dynastic transfers of powers, and they'll run forgettable puppets while the actual power stays behind the scenes. The latter is actually much, much worse.

Ron Paul is only Republican out of convenience. He resigned out of the Republican Party out of hatred for Ronald Reagan. He ran as Libertarian against HW Bush. He didn't vote for W. Bush or Trump. He consistently says both parties are the same

USA stop funding Israel would be the best thing to have happened to Israel and the Middle East in general in decades. But you're a dummie if you think Rand Paul is on your side with this one. He's a fake.

Do it

>israeli telling me the one guy opposing israel is a fake
>and also telling me it would be a good thing if israel received no US funding
The pilpul levels are off the charts

What's Unit 8200?

Republicans are the ones importing the spics

lol fuck you, fuck babies, fuck wypipo, hail satan

Israeli NSA

That's a feature, not a bug, of our "two" party system. Sheep like these guys are the backbone of the system.

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back to faceberg boomer subhuman

Boycott them

Its easier to control just 2 party's.

Go back to Facebook, retard. Both parties want to replace the native population with third world immigrants. Dems want votes and Reps want cheap labor to boost MUH GDP.

Find someone both sides hate.
>Ron Paul
See if their views align with yours. Vote for them. If MSM & political establishment hates them then they are likely genuine and not sell-outs.

Jokes on you OP I’ve never voted on anything.


Pretending for a second he's right, I'd like to know what you're supposed to vote for if it was like this:

>one party is for pedophiles. one party is for abortion
>one party is for supporting israel. one party is for supporting saudi arabia
>one party drinks pepsi. one party drinks coke
>one party wants to give all the money to oligarchs. one party wants to give all your money to third world migrants
>one party believes in global warming. one party believes ruining the environment on purpose


Why though?