5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan or fresh natsoc libertarians with 0 idea on how to engage in real, clear politics? Remember that we are in the middle of the crisis.
5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected...
Jeremiah White
Angel Nguyen
>Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan
Their plan is to put you on your knees and shot you in that thick skull of your Macek
Hudson Edwards
does this still exist?
William Green
you should vote, even though it will only be symbolic
Brayden Morris
reminder that elections in poland are only for civil service jobs like judges and assemblymen.
Gabriel White
>Should I vote for well connected, established communists
Have you Poles learned absolutely nothing?
Ryder Green
We literally have no choice.
Blue communists or red communists?
Jace Bell
> Natsoc libertarians
What next, anarchist bolsheviks ?
Aiden Hill
Konfederacja, Korwin, Narodowcy, Braun
Kevin Perry
The Marry got established as Queen of Poland. Twice!
What's your point?