5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected...

5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan or fresh natsoc libertarians with 0 idea on how to engage in real, clear politics? Remember that we are in the middle of the crisis.


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>Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan

Their plan is to put you on your knees and shot you in that thick skull of your Macek

does this still exist?

Attached: u8c9aeid1ss21.jpg (615x400, 66.91K)

you should vote, even though it will only be symbolic

reminder that elections in poland are only for civil service jobs like judges and assemblymen.

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>Should I vote for well connected, established communists
Have you Poles learned absolutely nothing?

We literally have no choice.
Blue communists or red communists?

> Natsoc libertarians

What next, anarchist bolsheviks ?

Attached: Poland.png (1080x1031, 672.12K)

Konfederacja, Korwin, Narodowcy, Braun

The Marry got established as Queen of Poland. Twice!
What's your point?