5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected...

5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan or fresh natsoc libertarians with 0 idea on how to engage in real, clear politics? Remember that we are in the middle of the crisis.


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>Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan

Their plan is to put you on your knees and shot you in that thick skull of your Macek

does this still exist?

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you should vote, even though it will only be symbolic

reminder that elections in poland are only for civil service jobs like judges and assemblymen.

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>Should I vote for well connected, established communists
Have you Poles learned absolutely nothing?

We literally have no choice.
Blue communists or red communists?

> Natsoc libertarians

What next, anarchist bolsheviks ?

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Konfederacja, Korwin, Narodowcy, Braun

The Marry got established as Queen of Poland. Twice!
What's your point?

"Konserwowe" means they are in vinegar. Fuck that, only brine in my heart.

they're more like natsoc really, but not sure if they have enough balls, and communism in poland was antidegeneracy, nowadays people have wrong idea about it

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the point is that natsoc and libertarians are like complete opposite of each other

Vote for the commies, hopefully they'll finally lead to the death of your horrid country.


>5 days till illegal elections in Poland. Should I vote for well connected, established communists who have a plan or fresh natsoc libertarians with 0 idea on how to engage in real, clear politics?
the """""""commies""""""

>natsoc libertarians
what the fuck does that even mean

>Who is Konfederacja?


Is this why they openly hate polish people?

imagine voting, couldn't be me

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o to ty znowu, siema :)

I've never voted in an elections and so I won't vote this time

Because this time there is a chance for someone not from POPiS to win?

There is not a decent party in poland.

Honestly if Korwin ruled Poland right now it would be much worse today. Korwin would probably deny the virus or ignrore it (like every libertarian retard) and that would lead to italy-tier crisis

Unironically this

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>Real clear politics
As if that string of words means a single fucking thing. Kill yourself commie scum.

>illegal elections
Only according to the retarded mind
Muh democracy
Muh cuckoldry
Muh EU

vote Janusz Korwin Mikke party

1st thing you no sane person ever quarantines people in homes
you quarantine borders so it doesnt get to you
also Italy didnt ignore it Sweden did
also majority of deaths in Italy are where chinese factories are

what the fuck is in that jar

It's the food of Gods. I pity westfags who never tasted it.

Westerners use vinegar and don't know joys of pure lactic fermentation in brine.

future kiddo