The Internet is a Prison

>Be me
>Wage cuck
>Ordered to work from home
>8:30am Zoom meeting
>9:30am Zoom meeting
>11:00am Zoom meeting
>1:00pm Zoom meeting
>4:00pm Zoom meeting
>6:00pm Zoom happy hour
>E-mail volume triples
>Work demands we purchase Logitech c922 & condenser mics
>Work demands we install Pragli
>Mic and webcam must be on 7am to 7pm
>Meetings on weekends
>Mic and webcam must be on
>Accomplish half the work in double the time
>Stuck at house
>Bosses and HR constantly surveil
>4 new reports to write about what I do all day
>What I do all day is write reports about what I do all day
>My home, once my sanctuary, is now my prison
>Social life cancelled
>Ready to chimp out
>Stood next to Verizon box in basement holding 15lb sledge on verge of tears
user, should I cut the cord? I'm sure their key loggers know I'm here now. Tempting fate. They can grab my screen whenever. I don't just want to end the job, I want to end PC bullshit 1984 corporate America forever. But I'd settle for just never having the internet in my house again.

Attached: FuckMyLife.png (2238x402, 120.85K)

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VM with recording of yourself working for a day.

Holy fuck bro that sounds like he'll
So glad I'm collecting them Trump bux
Don't ever open the bars again

Lmao what the fuck bro. Just quit and work part time as a pizza delivery driver. You only have to work so much bc u have so much bills because the jews told u u need shit

You deserve every second of it.

That's abnormal and your bosses are psychopaths
I'd quit that job in a heartbeat

Unironically, now is the time to learn a trade. Welding, plumbing, woodwork, agriculture, horses....

If you never used that faggot Pragli software, you don't get how awful it truly is. The shittiest thing is that it's not passive surveillance. They can just click on you to interact. HR has people apparently now just dedicated to clicking on every employee and asking some bullshit at least a few times per day.

Death is too kind a sentence for the faggot who invented this bullshit.

That sounds like aids. Glad I retired at 30

Yeah, I'm not certified, but I'm not retarded. I can do basic electrical/plumbing/carpentry. Built my deck. Need to get in on it.
It was a good job until this shit happened. I had an office down the end of the hall. Nobody fucking bothered me.