The Internet is a Prison

>Be me
>Wage cuck
>Ordered to work from home
>8:30am Zoom meeting
>9:30am Zoom meeting
>11:00am Zoom meeting
>1:00pm Zoom meeting
>4:00pm Zoom meeting
>6:00pm Zoom happy hour
>E-mail volume triples
>Work demands we purchase Logitech c922 & condenser mics
>Work demands we install Pragli
>Mic and webcam must be on 7am to 7pm
>Meetings on weekends
>Mic and webcam must be on
>Accomplish half the work in double the time
>Stuck at house
>Bosses and HR constantly surveil
>4 new reports to write about what I do all day
>What I do all day is write reports about what I do all day
>My home, once my sanctuary, is now my prison
>Social life cancelled
>Ready to chimp out
>Stood next to Verizon box in basement holding 15lb sledge on verge of tears
user, should I cut the cord? I'm sure their key loggers know I'm here now. Tempting fate. They can grab my screen whenever. I don't just want to end the job, I want to end PC bullshit 1984 corporate America forever. But I'd settle for just never having the internet in my house again.

Attached: FuckMyLife.png (2238x402, 120.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

VM with recording of yourself working for a day.

Holy fuck bro that sounds like he'll
So glad I'm collecting them Trump bux
Don't ever open the bars again

Lmao what the fuck bro. Just quit and work part time as a pizza delivery driver. You only have to work so much bc u have so much bills because the jews told u u need shit

You deserve every second of it.

That's abnormal and your bosses are psychopaths
I'd quit that job in a heartbeat

Unironically, now is the time to learn a trade. Welding, plumbing, woodwork, agriculture, horses....

If you never used that faggot Pragli software, you don't get how awful it truly is. The shittiest thing is that it's not passive surveillance. They can just click on you to interact. HR has people apparently now just dedicated to clicking on every employee and asking some bullshit at least a few times per day.

Death is too kind a sentence for the faggot who invented this bullshit.

That sounds like aids. Glad I retired at 30

Yeah, I'm not certified, but I'm not retarded. I can do basic electrical/plumbing/carpentry. Built my deck. Need to get in on it.
It was a good job until this shit happened. I had an office down the end of the hall. Nobody fucking bothered me.

look at the pleb that doesn't have seamless loops of themselves wearing pants and being alert to feed a virtual webcam and recordings of "productivity" running on a monitored vm. get gud.

>Not responding to that shit with "you are disturbing my productivity"

What company?

>Glad I retired at 30

Stop working

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Honest question,

Why is American work culture so fucking brutal? Like fucking hell, if someone told me to do half of this shit, I would have thrown their computer out the window.

Worst part is when they try and make it "fun". Zoom happy hour?? Suck my cock, I am going to down a pint of Vodka in my basement.

Jesus dude, unless you are making 100k a year you would be better off collecting unemployment

For my job I always work from home. Aside from Zoom, I never even heard of these stalking software companies. Your company sucks. Block of your own calendar with work items you neee to do. Don’t be a bitch and accept every meeting invite. You really are a cuck.

Buy land, buy house, grew some vegetables THEN u will be able to escape wage slave bro

Peak wagecuck bullshit.

Sounds gay, we use slack. One 15min meeting a day on zoom and I slack the rest of the day

>>Work demands we install Pragli
Had to google that shit.
I'd quit in an instant.
Fuck it tell your boss that you don't have internet at home and you'd normally work from starbucks, which is closed.

No wonder why these fucking pajeets are taking over... they will gladly do any of that for 1/10th the price.

Attached: BB.jpg (1478x1108, 293.9K)

I fucking hate zoom and this new zoom culture, I always hate videocalls and now I'm force to use them because fatso professor wants to see my face because some bullshit argument

There are faggot over 40s try to get back to this lifestyle by exposing this hoax. YIKES

Complain about them hampering your productivity. Keep a lot of records.

Keep working normally but set boundaries for yourself and make them adhere to it.

If they fire you, you have an established history of complaints. They have to foot part of unemployment plus they're fucked trying to fill your position with someone else while everyone else has more work.

Do you think they'll get rid of the software when this is over?

Our work culture isn't even that bad compared to some places. I'm sure the Japanese would laugh at that statement.

>>Mic and webcam must be on 7am to 7pm
The fuck

>not masturbating regularly throughout the home workday

>Mic and webcam must be on

Contact a super jew lawyer you have a lawsuit on your hands constant monitoring in your home is super illegal

also don't just cut the cord destroy the box that routes cable to entire neighborhood as much better alibi in minecraft

Place c4 in the little boxes around your neighborhood or throw a fire bottle into it. It will destroy your internet and your neighbors for atleast a week or two. T atnt worker

>"If I were to play my Spotify, my live avatar would display an indicator which would show what song I'm listening to broadcast to the rest of my team"

Attached: enough.jpg (600x384, 15.45K)

Just unplug them and claim poor ping speed.


Very good idea. I'm sure user is not the only one. I'm sure this is just dipshit managers who want to feel important.

Yeah, walk by that shit naked from time to time and give em a show.

I hope the jew that made that app gets cancer

its just like proctorio for exams at universities. i have never felt my privacy invaded on this level during my round of online exams that just ended. microphone and camera required, tracking eye movements to detect if you are looking at other screens.

Holy shit what the actual fuck.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>be me
>enlist in chair force
>waiting on some training since november
>when quarantine started I had already been chilling at home for 3-4 months and only going to work to check in for like 10-30 min daily
>now I check in from my phone and do literally nothing except weekly teleconference
>still getting steady paycheck for doing nothing for almost half a year
>gonna get promoted soon for my excellent performance

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This is America. Not communist Russia.
Don't like your job?

i feel like people dont understand unemployment in the US. you cant just decide to go on unemployement. you either have to be laid off or injured. if you got fired, good luck collecting. if you quit, you are not eligible. how do people not know this????

Outsource your job and give a pajeet or a chang access your your work computer. Then just chill as all your work is done for you.

Get fired by being incompetent

Found the boomer fag. Itching for a haircut ain’t ya?

>just be homeless bro
Thanks for the quality advice boomer

Have you never worked before, if you get fired you don't get it
Your employer literally has to tell the government that they laid you off because there wasn't enough work and they couldn't afford to pay you

I don't know if or when this bullshit will end. But my guess is there's too much power tripping going on to ever go back normal. You know what I wonder? Commercial leases are annual. Will they re-up the lease if it comes due when if offices aren't open yet? Lot of rent savings they can spend on bullshit software and spies.

This bullshit alerts them if I stop typing for 15 seconds. Literally 15 fucking seconds. If I stop to think or scratch my ass, it pings them. Silicon Valley needs to burn.

This is one of the most cancerous things I have ever seen in my life.

This varies from state to state. In red states, it works like you are saying, but not necessarily in blue ones.

Yeah, you are just going to have to quit that job.

Fuck all that noise.

Sounds like a shitty job. Quit and find another job unless they are paying you enough for your humiliation.