Did you kill the Pagan thread because it might have been an inside job? Did pagans take out their own leader because the leaders brought non-whites in to increase membership?
Hey Jannies
based scooter tramp
>he doesn't realize that the Phoenix Program never stopped.
If white nationalists adopted the organization and business methods of 3 patch clubs, they would have the ability to gain members, raise funds, and create a political power base.
Fill me in this shit OP. Biker here too.
Sporties dab on cruisers.
I saw something about this on Ed Calderons insta. is there a liveleak for it? dudes looked trained.
The Pagans started associating with non-white criminal gangs, whose members are dumber, and more likely to make mistakes. The racial loyalty plays a big role in uniting 3 patch clubs and supporting members should they have legal problems.
Eh fucking Mongols doesn't give a shit and they have no problems. Also SoS patch in Hispanics and DPD still can't fucking crack em.