Hey Jannies

Did you kill the Pagan thread because it might have been an inside job? Did pagans take out their own leader because the leaders brought non-whites in to increase membership?

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based scooter tramp

>he doesn't realize that the Phoenix Program never stopped.

If white nationalists adopted the organization and business methods of 3 patch clubs, they would have the ability to gain members, raise funds, and create a political power base.

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Fill me in this shit OP. Biker here too.

Sporties dab on cruisers.

I saw something about this on Ed Calderons insta. is there a liveleak for it? dudes looked trained.

The Pagans started associating with non-white criminal gangs, whose members are dumber, and more likely to make mistakes. The racial loyalty plays a big role in uniting 3 patch clubs and supporting members should they have legal problems.

Eh fucking Mongols doesn't give a shit and they have no problems. Also SoS patch in Hispanics and DPD still can't fucking crack em.

this happened right next door to my house. the guy they killed was always hanging around next door. I was home and didn't even hear it happen. I only found out when the cops showed up.

>he's wit the vipahs

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Not a "biker" but ride. From an organizational standpoint these clubs are very effective. To ignore their methods and rules is to lose their 70 years of unbroken existence despite heavy infiltration and surveillance attempts by LE. I don't suggest breaking the law, but the leadership and organizing has lessons for white, racially aware, dissidents.

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Some members do have a big problem with non-white clubs wearing Pagan colors. It's an embarrassment.

Oh that's what this thread is about. Dude just go hang around one in your area and get the taste of the life. It's just dudes drinking beer and riding all the damn time.

Lol no I'm not in a club. My work moved me around too much to be able to commit to that. Now because of this Covid shit I'm thinking I might start poking around.

I never got Bike clubs. I have a bike (150cc) for my daily use, though.
Maybe because we use 125cc bikes here daily because our streets are too narrow for cars and there is no mystique surrounding them here.

They belong to a pagan?
Or “every word that ends with s gets an apostrophe”?

Ah well for one my bike is a 2L lol. Here the culture is about pure liberty, respect, obligation to your brothers. I don't have any Pagans in my area so can't speak to how they work or operate but they've had massive problems with Outlaws for as far back as I can remember and of the Outlaws I've met they give literally zero fucks.

Old, meth-head boomer bikers. Fuck ‘em all. Killer drones with self-destruct-upon-execution self executing smart contracts will clean ‘em up real quick. Can’t wait.

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I can more into the history if you care. Didnt wanna TL;DR you

Join the Hells Angels everyone knows of them and they are a white only club.

They allow Hispanics too. They aren't my area either so I don't know much about them other than the fact that they will pretty much patch anyone according to what I've been told.

Here bikes are seen as something strictly utilitarian, so there is no mystique, no clubs, no brotherhoods, no gangs, nothing.
I have a bike, my aunt has a bike... heck, even my granny had a bike!
So I don't understand... Do the Hell's Angels recruit among a certain specific demographic?
Do you pay to be there? Why are they involved in crimes?
And, above all, if you have a bike, do people really think you belong to them?
It's the pure and utter culture shock that made me ask that, sorry.

Angels do not and have never accepted spics

I lived in Daytona for 5 years. they were okay, but they abandoned a lot of dudes that did dirt and time for the gang.

They let Jews in.

I am guessing it is why they are so weak right now, when they should be more powerful than ever.

Ah lemme explain. I'm a biker but I don't wear a patch. I'm what's called a hang around. I know the clubs in the area and I hang out with them and go on rides with them. But nothing more. The demographic for recruitment in all clubs are people who use motorcycles as their main mode of transportation. I ride in all weather, I've even ridden through a snow storm. All clubs collect dues, and if you don't pay you cant be a member. Now about crime. Clubs are just clubs. The Mongols is just a club. Now are some of their members criminals? Sure. But that has nothing to do with the club.

Uh yes they do. Go fucking outside and meet some and see for yourself.


It's a club, but yeah sounds rough.

they they used to have their prospects do those adopt a highway thing. they fucking hate anyone nonwhite. they really dont give a fuck either, but they do behave during bike week.

If one day you go to the jungle, use a light bike. The lightest you can imagine.
Also water-cooled. Air-cooled bikes melt.
Heavier bikes have a pretty bad tendency to get stuck in that terrain.
That's why Harley-Davidsons are pretty rare to find here and everyone here uses either 50 to 150cc bikes or Landcruisers/4WDs.

I used to sell motorcycles and motorcycle accessories. I’ve had to deal with Hells angels, unforgiven, banditos. They’re all trash people. Equivalent of spic gangbangers.

Hell's Dotard here and I'm gonna tell you that in the name of the red white and blue there is no discrimination allowed on uncle sams byways! You see I've got the US constitution riding shotgun in MY sidecar and there ain't a thing in there that says blacks are three fifths of a man. You try to kick Pedro out of the country western saloon on my watch and there will be hell to pay. He works hard from sun up to sundown monday through friday and likes to ride on the weekends just like the rest of us. So take a heckin chill pill, fire up the ganjo and lets get to caressin those aging beauties around the pooltable who are rockin the midlife right with us.

idk man, jannies are pretty based in imperial age

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Judgment day is coming for you pagans.

It was the Roman pagans who executed Christ on a crucifix. Of course, some others who didn't accept Christ agitated for his death, but you pagans had the supreme authority. It was those pagans, who were an occupying force in Judea, that ultimately killed the White Christian God. You can't "wash your hands" like Pontius Pilate and get off scot free after killing our God. Oh no, you will pay a heavy price, as will your children.

It was the Roman pagans who destroyed Jesus Father's house, AKA The Second Temple. Jesus' hard-working White ancestors spent 46 years building the glorious Second Temple. The Apostles taught at the Temple, and healed a lame man at the Temple door. Christ himself taught his disciples in the Temple's Treasury, and even celebrated the Feast Of The Dedication in the Temple. I guess you Roman pagans were jealous because you were living in mud huts while Hebrews were living in the Temple? As surely as our Lord was resurrected from the dead, so too shall the Second Temple be rebuilt. You pagans will not be able to escape the prophecy of judgment which must take place after Christ rebuilds the Temple. Justice will be glorious whether it is dealt to you from us or from our Lord. We will rejoice in Christ's glory when you are sent to hell.

It was the Roman pagans who set White Christians on fire as a cruel punishment for the Great Fire of Rome. First, according to Yahweh, pagans deserved to have their idolatrous city burned to the ground. Second, there were only a few hundred pagans that died in the fire. Four of Rome's fourteen districts weren't even touched by the fire. What the hell gives you pagans the right to give such a torturous death penalty to a persecuted minority in the Roman Empire? Nothing gives you the right to judge God's people. When Yahweh judges you, I pray that he casts you not into limbo, nor the bottomless pit, but into the lake of fire for all eternity.


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I ride a Victory. fuck HD.