US Presidential Election

Post your predictions

Attached: 2020prediction.png (1050x670, 121.33K)

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I predict one of the closest elections in the history of the United States.

a landslide come from behind victory for jeb


Do you think the world give a shit about Argentine elections ?
That being said, your map is correct. Except that Florida will go red.
And you will still be a seething shithole Hispanic country...

I'm not sure who to vote for....on one hand tranny salt never gets old, but watching uncle Joe sniff the other world leader's wives would be awesome too.

Attached: bidenvtrump.png (1050x670, 119.53K)

Florida blue? Nani?

Florida won't support Trump after the disaster he's created with the Coronavirus. It will swing blue this year.

If any states were to flip back, it wouid be Michigan, not Florida