Post your predictions
US Presidential Election
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I predict one of the closest elections in the history of the United States.
a landslide come from behind victory for jeb
Do you think the world give a shit about Argentine elections ?
That being said, your map is correct. Except that Florida will go red.
And you will still be a seething shithole Hispanic country...
I'm not sure who to vote for....on one hand tranny salt never gets old, but watching uncle Joe sniff the other world leader's wives would be awesome too.
Florida blue? Nani?
Florida won't support Trump after the disaster he's created with the Coronavirus. It will swing blue this year.
If any states were to flip back, it wouid be Michigan, not Florida
You want to put a million Argentine pesos against my one American dollar (that's a fair exchange) on that ?
Maine and NH red this year boys
screencap this
Sure. If Trump wins, you get a million pesos. That'll be enough to buy half a candy by that time.
no one thinks coronavirus is trump's fault. the economy will rebound and back swinging in time for the election.
get shit on you stupid bitch
>no one thinks coronavirus is trump's fault.
You'd be surprised user.
Trump will get attacked hard in the debates on his management of the Coronavirus crisis. He'll lose Florida
I'll give you a quarter and a broken shovel if you let me fuck your mom.
Would that even buy a cheap whore in Buenos Aires ? :D
Stop speculating about things that are above your pay grade, spic.
>Trump will get attacked hard in the debates
By old Joe? Lmao stop being retarded. Here is some audio of Biden at his last debate.
>PA red after redistricting
It was down to a few thousand votes in 2016, he wont win PA.
for providing more testing kits than anywhere else in the world?
for saying that the border to china needed to be closed as early as january?
or because "hurr durr media says he said to drink bleach"
by all metrics, trump has managed this entirely correctly, but i wouldn't expect an argentine to get it
this map is basically guaranteed to happen
This is the most likely scenario
And I’m saying that as a lifelong trump republican
Wait actually
Yeahhh not gunna happen
Obama was a fluke. NC is a republican state
Biden doesn’t need it though
cope harder
Same. Trump has been an abject failure at fixing the demographics and the boomer remover is hurting him ALOT more than Biden. 2016 was the last time Arizona will ever go red. 2020 will be the last time Florida ever goes red and 2024 will be the last time Texas ever goes red.
>Obama was a fluke. NC is a republican state
Too many niggers and it's getting browned hard.
>VA a swing state
Come on user
delusional lefty cope based on national poles that oversample Ds by 10 points
NC went temporarily insane in 2008.
Never again.
>lifelong trump supporter
what do you think this accomplishes?