Pitbulls must be killed

Pitbulls must be killed

Attached: Hero dog George.jpg (936x582, 419.64K)

Join the National Socialist Revolution, pit genocide is on our agenda.

Rest in peace George

>savage dogs
They're not even mentioning that is was pitbulls. Once again omitting the most important fact because muh stereotypes.

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This is an actual argument used by shitbull owners.

Also this is a shitbull hate thread.

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I'm not a dog person (because of my experiences with pits) but George sounded like a good dog.

Pitbulls are my favorite tho, they are great dogs. Very obedient if you train them properly. I walk King without a leash and he will run up to kids and let them pet him. Hes never attacked anyone and stops growling when I command him to.

Grow up. Dont blame a whole breed over a few bad owners

George sounds like a dumb faggot.

Good doggo