Pitbulls must be killed
Pitbulls must be killed
Join the National Socialist Revolution, pit genocide is on our agenda.
Rest in peace George
>savage dogs
They're not even mentioning that is was pitbulls. Once again omitting the most important fact because muh stereotypes.
This is an actual argument used by shitbull owners.
Also this is a shitbull hate thread.
I'm not a dog person (because of my experiences with pits) but George sounded like a good dog.
Pitbulls are my favorite tho, they are great dogs. Very obedient if you train them properly. I walk King without a leash and he will run up to kids and let them pet him. Hes never attacked anyone and stops growling when I command him to.
Grow up. Dont blame a whole breed over a few bad owners
George sounds like a dumb faggot.
Good doggo