Pitbulls must be killed
Pitbulls must be killed
Join the National Socialist Revolution, pit genocide is on our agenda.
Rest in peace George
>savage dogs
They're not even mentioning that is was pitbulls. Once again omitting the most important fact because muh stereotypes.
This is an actual argument used by shitbull owners.
Also this is a shitbull hate thread.
I'm not a dog person (because of my experiences with pits) but George sounded like a good dog.
Pitbulls are my favorite tho, they are great dogs. Very obedient if you train them properly. I walk King without a leash and he will run up to kids and let them pet him. Hes never attacked anyone and stops growling when I command him to.
Grow up. Dont blame a whole breed over a few bad owners
George sounds like a dumb faggot.
Good doggo
A dog's purpose in life is to be loyal to humans. You sound like a dumb faggot. George is a legend, you are nothing
It’s fitting that you post with the nigger flag while you brag about your nigger behavior. I hope the last thing you see before the lynch mob wraps the noose around your neck is the oven they shove your worthless nigger dog into.
what no dont be retarded pitbull are good fighting dogs
Id go on an absolute rampage if I had to see my daughter like this.
"He just snapped!"
Your landshark wouldnt even have to run up to my kids, it could merely prance in their general direction and it would have half a pound of lead in it
checks out
No - irresponsible pit OWNERS should be killed
And you wonder why white people are called devils
the memorial should have said "from two nigger dogs"
I AM a dog person and I think that all nigger dogs should be drowned in garbage cans en masse
Pitbull = Nigger
Yeah...except people have more rights than dogs. You're a dumbass. It should be illegal not to sterilize Pits.
Rightfully - drown the niggers and rehabilitate the dogs. Of the two groups, at least the dogs can be rehabilitated.
labradors are the most based dog breed
fuck pitbulls
I wonder if I can defeat a pitbull by raping it
Dawwww pitbulls are just the sweetest poopsie doodles in the world!! It's bad owners! That's why 85% of dog shelters are full of pits and pit mixes! They just dont know any better and are a product of their environment.
i wonder if you not breeding would actually contribute positively to the future
>people have more rights than dogs
I suppose that would be how the rest of you define "people". I consider subhumans as not having as many rights as dogs
Lol confirmed all pitbull owners are niggers. When your pitbull mauls a child should we blame you or should we blame the breed?
The niggers in that town should be killed, bbl
pitbulls account for nearly 14% of the dog population while making up more than 50% of all violent dog attacks, it just makes no sense. If only all those pesky Siberian huskies didn't take up all of the good and privileged homes. And the German Shepherds clearly oppress them at the dog park, stopping and sniffing them for no reason!
Get your head on str8. You would be bitchslapped with my pure White hand if you were in my presence
You're a moron if you think there is any reason for shitbulls to exist. You're no different than Jews who try to blame everyone else for blacks' problems.
Jack Russells are one of the most based breeds around. They are the epitome of loyalty. Also boxers are incredible with families and children, another breed that is worth it's weight in gold.
did they really need to sculpt his dick too?
Guaranteed replies
And dont you ever forget it, nigger.
fuck thats rough
trains must be killed
Absolutely. I would kill every one of those demonic creatures until I got locked up.
In minecraft, of course
If you gave your life saving children, they better damn well get your dick right.
Yes JRT are one of the best!
Based Elephant
Blame Trump
I don't see any difference here..
You need to widen your overview my friend and improve yourself.
Blame the car that careened into a crowd - or blame the asshole wreckless driver in control of that vehicle?
Blame the firearm that killed innocent bystanders - or blame the asshole shooter who wrecklessly used his weapon irresponsibly?
Blaming the dog instead of the owner who failed to control their animal is the same low-IQ logic.
Wise up
Go be a nigger somewhere else