Being Childfree is the best thing ever.
I literally live life on easy mode, i got a house, a car, money, great job, friends and health, and no limits holding me back, i can do whatever i want whenever i want. I can buy whatever i wish for without some nagging bitch telling me "You cant buy that, our kids need new clothes and toys".
Just imagine throwing away your money, your freedom, your lifestyle, just so you could "have kids"
And there is literally no point in having them, life will end for you anyway one day, having kids is literal a retarded way to spend your brief time on this planet.
Instead of exploring the planet, travelling, haveing fun, living life to it's fullest, you choose to stay locked in a hut, with little goblins running around, like a fucking cavemen.
And then you complain that rasising kids on hard. Seethe more while i sip some nice cocktails on the coast.
Childfree Life
Wyatt Nelson
Noah Hill
Be more subtle.
Thomas Diaz
You're a shut-in though.
Jack Cox
Nope, far from it, shut ins are the types that end up marrying some random hag and spawn like 6 kids.
Julian Taylor
Care to tell us your age? That's important.
Joseph Reed
I'm 25 if that matters at all
Charles Green
Obvious LARP.
Jeremiah Carter
Leo Ross
Lmao why are you so upset kiwi, you stuck at home with kids or something
Adam Brown
Take your stupid rants to Reddit, faggot. Nothing political about this.