Being Childfree is the best thing ever.
I literally live life on easy mode, i got a house, a car, money, great job, friends and health, and no limits holding me back, i can do whatever i want whenever i want. I can buy whatever i wish for without some nagging bitch telling me "You cant buy that, our kids need new clothes and toys".
Just imagine throwing away your money, your freedom, your lifestyle, just so you could "have kids"
And there is literally no point in having them, life will end for you anyway one day, having kids is literal a retarded way to spend your brief time on this planet.
Instead of exploring the planet, travelling, haveing fun, living life to it's fullest, you choose to stay locked in a hut, with little goblins running around, like a fucking cavemen.
And then you complain that rasising kids on hard. Seethe more while i sip some nice cocktails on the coast.
Childfree Life
Be more subtle.
You're a shut-in though.
Nope, far from it, shut ins are the types that end up marrying some random hag and spawn like 6 kids.
Care to tell us your age? That's important.
I'm 25 if that matters at all
Obvious LARP.
Lmao why are you so upset kiwi, you stuck at home with kids or something
Take your stupid rants to Reddit, faggot. Nothing political about this.
it matters, you are still very young, literally a kid
Sounds like coping, maybe you can’t actually make one? I actually helped a couple make one and you can ask around too OP, lots of fertile guys around.
Shit thread/10
My kids are great. I regret not having more. I should have started sooner. I wasted time on status shit that doesnt matter.
Based. Like God, I create new life but I don’t baby sit them.
Dumbass jap, nobody wants your censored micro penis
Sure thing, a kid can run a business successfuly and make easy money, yae sure
you gotta start thinking about when you're old, lad
unless you plan on killing yourself at some point, I highly recommend a family
Child free forever yay says every std riddled infertile 40 something and every 20 year old land whale before they eat a litre of ice cream and drink 2 liters of wine crying themselves to sleep.
Yea write this again when you're 55 with no family, no friends, and are pointing a shotgun to your skull in your studio apartment in a big city.
All this cope it's amazing, i'll sure be sad being rich sure, oh poor me, whatever shall i do
Gonna point out the obvious that the one time they show a happy white couple, they are promoting them not to have children.
>I'm child free
Okay, bye.
I think if don't want kids you shouldn't feel obligated to have them, that's how children end up with single mums and abusive dads.
You will be replaced and you will not be missed, but if that's your choice then it's not that bad.
In all honesty though, 25 is still young, and once you start hitting your 30's and all the hot women your age are all married, and all your friends your age start having families themselves, you might start to feel left out. I'm in my mid 30's myself with a growing family, an all my unmarried friends seem to feel this way. The women start aging and get less attention, and the men notice they have to be that "weird older friend" to younger guys because all the people they used to hang out with now have commitments.
A few of my older family members don't have kids, but it seems like in the end they ended up being "step parent" you someone's little bastard anyway, because that's pretty much all the dating market is in your 40's an 50's.
Do want you want though, it's your life. I'm just trying to provide some insight, I feel like I was always going to be a family man though, an I was lucky to marry a girl that felt the same way.
>i'll sure be sad being rich
How can anyone be this naive at 25? Surely by now you should've figured out being rich is a ticket to nowhere in terms of happiness if you actually are making "easy money" like you say. There's a point after which money doesn't buy any happiness, quite the opposite due to a number of reasons, and that point is pretty close to a level where you're getting by without undue stress over the costs of everyday living. You'll just have to learn the hard way to get rid of these childish illusions you presently have..
Your ancestors fought during thousands of years to protect their blood and you're willing to let go of it just for muh freedumbz? You're the biggest faggot on earth
Yeah yeah goyim don't have wypipo
preconditioning the population for the reality of mass sterility
God bless you and your family, user.
They didnt fight for shit, their fault for making me exist, now i can dance around their graves as i inherit more and more money and houses as each one dies off
Whatever you say spurdo
>i can dance around their graves as i inherit more and more money and houses as each one dies off
I know this is a troll post but, Jesus dude.
Why is it so hard to find info on Lauren Sandler?
Is she Jewish?
I’m going childfree until I’m much older and I’ll find a young dumb girl in the future. Reminder women want the difference points, when it’s socially acceptable to be a slut in the future that’s when many of them will become trad wives. For now there’s a stigma against being a whore, so they’re all doing it for muh independence
>Excuse me y'all. My fur babies are my children.
Life is gonna be very hard for you if you don't start a family in your 50's.
You're too young and naive, but I hope you have noticed that making friends gets harder after school and that older family members start passing away.
By the time you're 50 very few people are left in your life except the family that you built, so it's wise to start one and contribute to the progress of civilization, like every single one of your ancestors did.
Have fun ending tens of thousands of years of lineage, I'm sure your ancestors are proud of you.
You want your future wife to be a used up old whore? Why?
Between you an the Childfree guy I'm glad I don't take any advice from Zig Forums.
Of the older families I know, only one did not manage to have children by their 40s. They are still doing the same shit they did when they were 20 and their lives seem to be dedicated to entertaining themselves. They are in their 60s and still go to Las Vegas. Not having children is not driven by a desire to never have to deal with any difficulties, it is caused by an inability to mature and take on responsibility in the first place.
Millions of other guys have tried this and it almost always ends in divorce rape
Rationalised incompetence
Kek no shit you do not want kids at 25. One day soon, way sooner than you think, you will feel your youth waning and your body begin to come apart. Slowly, but noticeably. You will realize how fleeting life is and how rare and odd sentience is. And you will have a desire to create it yourself and pass existence on a little longer.
You are here because life has been passed on for 4 billion years. Every single organism has successfully reproduced until you, and it is cosmically selfish to end that line because you want extra cocktails
Why would i troll, they gave me everything, so i got an easy life, their loss my gain lmao