Ok this is based

Pol has no defense against this

Attached: Screenshot_20200506-125746_crop_432x341.jpg (432x341, 61.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: boomerking.jpg (528x680, 58.95K)

Then why does everyone want to be white then? Shitskins around the world think they're white.
I wonder why?

The person posting this is most likely inbred by 40% and a Paki so carry on into another thread and save your breath elsewhere

>white people dont have culture
sure they do

Attached: WhiteGirlsFuckDogs.jpg (922x519, 80.6K)

Great thread OP, don't forget to dilate

>speak in english
>live in a european based society

culture is just a trend that people in a group created to maintain their sanity on how small they are compared to the much bigger universe. Saying "x" people dont have culture is a mindset of a depressed person attracting attention. Trust me dude Im a scientist

>they posted in english
>on a computer
>to the internet
White culture is so pervasive that they dont even realize its there. Like a fish in an ocean.

White People Have No Culture?