Pol has no defense against this
Ok this is based
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Then why does everyone want to be white then? Shitskins around the world think they're white.
I wonder why?
The person posting this is most likely inbred by 40% and a Paki so carry on into another thread and save your breath elsewhere
>white people dont have culture
sure they do
Great thread OP, don't forget to dilate
>speak in english
>live in a european based society
culture is just a trend that people in a group created to maintain their sanity on how small they are compared to the much bigger universe. Saying "x" people dont have culture is a mindset of a depressed person attracting attention. Trust me dude Im a scientist
>they posted in english
>on a computer
>to the internet
White culture is so pervasive that they dont even realize its there. Like a fish in an ocean.
White People Have No Culture?
There is no "white culture". There is English, Norwegian, Germanic, etc. Cultures.
Literally traditional values and work ethic.
The problem with non-whites in western countries that think like this never acknowledge it's due to their failure to realize that the society they reside in is ubiquitous to white creation, they think the current state and all the benefits of a civilization vs there's in some backwater country from where they originate is simply a coincidence. They're that ignorant to their own surroundings.
Wouldn't denial of culture be a cultural response to the question of white culture, by those who reject the notion that whites have culture?
English and Norwegian are both Germanic cultures
>AMWF couple owns a dog
This is actually me, I’ve came on pol and apparently my Snapchat is famous. Lol.
Having no culture is culture you absolute fucking nigger.
>Pol has no defense against this
Besides the report button.
ok @secretmoments13 go bait somewhere else.
white culture is stuff called 'electricity' and 'Wagner' and 'space rockets'. now show me your culture...
sort of overblown
i watch beast porn everyday and 9 times out of 10 it's a spic woman
We dont have a culture we have dozens of culture. Because everywhere we go and settle, we prosper. We are the ultimate civilization on this small planet. Everybody else is competing for second place.
Im not japanese you retards.
It's called western civilization
I expect these morons to say air doesn't exist despite being immersed in it and reaping its benefits constantly.
>include us in your art, ballet, theater, music, architecture, and everything you do while all nonwhites covet all fine things whites produce!
>white people have no culture
Whatever you say, Goldstein.
>Then why does everyone want to be white then?
They don't. Also, "being white" isn't a culture you brain dead nigger.
Prepare your tear ducts fren:
Them's fighin' words.