COMMUNIST TAKEOVER: Texas Seizes Firearms, MASS JAILS Store Customers

The Communist Takeover has finally commenced -- and in the state many least expected it to: Texas. In an attempt to consolidate power amid a restless public, Texas governor (((Abbott))) made the risky move to deploy tanks, military and even SWAT teams onto the streets to enforce his tyrannical and widely unpopular policies[1]. Cementing himself further as an autocrat rather than a public servant, Abbott ordered a group of corrupt cops -- backed up by armored combat vehicles fitted with machine gun turrets -- to mass jail and seize the weapons of law-abiding citizens legally open-carrying their own registered firearms[2]. In a feeble attempt at transparency aimed to placate the enraged public, a top Texas law enforcement officer doubled down in a press conference late yesterday justifying the illegal seizure of weapons and mass arrests of law-abiding citizens by the state government[3].

Previous threads have all reached capacity. DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE. JANNIES ARE BANNING THIS FROM THE FRONT PAGE.
First thread: Second thread: Third thread: WE THE PEOPLE must resist tyrannical government measures, especially a governing apparatus infiltrated to the core by communist elements and ideals. SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE and awaken the sleeping giant that is the great American people!


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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

This will become the new normal if we do not hold these Communists accountable.

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And this is the man atop it all...

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only news report ive found so far on this:

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bump. Also I feel very patriotic when I sit eating tendies and bump a civic thread on a yak-shearing forum. I'm really doing a lot for our nation. I might support our nation further when I get a burger later.

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you must eat at CHICK FIL A, sir!!1

huge bump important thread

do NOT let me catch you scrolling past without saying YEEEE-CLAWW!

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