COMMUNIST TAKEOVER: Texas Seizes Firearms, MASS JAILS Store Customers

The Communist Takeover has finally commenced -- and in the state many least expected it to: Texas. In an attempt to consolidate power amid a restless public, Texas governor (((Abbott))) made the risky move to deploy tanks, military and even SWAT teams onto the streets to enforce his tyrannical and widely unpopular policies[1]. Cementing himself further as an autocrat rather than a public servant, Abbott ordered a group of corrupt cops -- backed up by armored combat vehicles fitted with machine gun turrets -- to mass jail and seize the weapons of law-abiding citizens legally open-carrying their own registered firearms[2]. In a feeble attempt at transparency aimed to placate the enraged public, a top Texas law enforcement officer doubled down in a press conference late yesterday justifying the illegal seizure of weapons and mass arrests of law-abiding citizens by the state government[3].

Previous threads have all reached capacity. DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE. JANNIES ARE BANNING THIS FROM THE FRONT PAGE.
First thread: Second thread: Third thread: WE THE PEOPLE must resist tyrannical government measures, especially a governing apparatus infiltrated to the core by communist elements and ideals. SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE and awaken the sleeping giant that is the great American people!


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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

This will become the new normal if we do not hold these Communists accountable.

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And this is the man atop it all...

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only news report ive found so far on this:

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bump. Also I feel very patriotic when I sit eating tendies and bump a civic thread on a yak-shearing forum. I'm really doing a lot for our nation. I might support our nation further when I get a burger later.

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you must eat at CHICK FIL A, sir!!1

huge bump important thread

do NOT let me catch you scrolling past without saying YEEEE-CLAWW!

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yeeeeee claaawwwww!^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Phone: (4.3.2.)3.3.5-
Fax: (4.3.2.).3.3.5.-.3.5.8..6

>Fax my little pony pics
>Call them and report j-walkers and that they need to send the tanks
>Send them HAM Pizzs

You guys have no idea how powerful we are when we ridicule and troll faggots like these.
Post results for the LoLz

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How can we break up the rootless trans-janitorial elite hellbent on destruction of our communications? ZOG HAS BEEN SHADOWBANNING THIS THREAD FROM THE TOP PAGE ALL DAY! BUMP BUMP BUMP

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saw this in previous thread and thought it was interesting

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>and in the state many least expected it to: Texas

Why would you not expect it to happen in the most Brown state in the union? This is viseral reminder of Jewish (and their brown slaves caste) power.

GIVE ME ALLL YOUR POWERRR!! Get to bumping and keep it on the front page!!! JANITORS DONT WANT US TO DOMINATE PAGE ONE

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>Faggot sheriff
>Faggot county
>Faggot larping boomers

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The people who let these mindless pigs take their weapons are nothing but cucks. Open carrying is not for show, it's not a performance. You carry your firearm because you intend on using it if your freedoms or your life are threatened. Don't carry if you're not going to use it for the purpose that our founding fathers intended with the 2nd Amendment.


Based toddler knowing big word

Based Toddler.

Chic fil a is over rated garbage tbqh famalamadingdong


Our Cause is Righteous

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>Shadow banning
No it's just being slid cuz there is high sliding volume and this is a faggot thread for faggots so it slides extra fast

>The Communist Takeover has finally commenced -- and in the state many least expected it to: Texas.
I lived in Texas for three years. This is no surprise to me at all. Theres a reason I no longer live there anymore. I would tell Texans all the time about how fucked their state is becoming, none would believe me, and all were in denial. Thats when I knew it was time to GTFO.

This is a leftypol psyop. Abbott is based and they're trying to pin a shitty county's actions on him so in attempt to get a lefty Governor in office. Don't fall for it.


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Yee claw!


Nice digits.