boomer here. Why are millennials and zoomers such sad sacks of shit?
All of my boomer co-workers are upbeat, optimistic and fun to be around whereas my millennial and zoomer co-workers are all miserable and serious about everything. I don't even think they know how to enjoy life which makes me a little sad...
Put a smile on that dial!
Pee pee poo poo.
Because you're already set for life. You got to experience the good times. There's nothing left for us.
>debt up to the eyes unless you’re born wealthy or lucky
>ANOTHER recession
>houses are too expensive to afford
>career paths are stifled by diversity therefore limiting the path for certain races to get jobs
>wages are STILL below a reasonable quality of living
>I have no idea why they’re upset maybe they just follow millennials to be cool since they have no real identity
Also women and men hate each other, possible war with China, etc etc
>career paths are stifled by diversity therefore limiting the path for certain races to get jobs
Don't forget men. Women are the predominately benefactors of diversity hiring.
Bullshit. You can have fun anywhere anytime and you don’t need a buttload of cash to do it either. I just made myself a Dagwood sandwich and took that and a beer to my favorite spot by the water. Hiked down, unfolded my portable chair and sat there listening to birdsong and the water lapping at my toes. Free. Peaceful. Mellow. You guys are nuts.
t. GenX
>Gen x
My buddy is Gen x and he actually taught me how to mellow out a bit I gotta hand it to you guys you really know how to cope but it doesn’t change the fact that the world is upside down right now and things aren’t looking to get better for Gen z or millennials for another 10 years
That’s enough reason to be upset
>my millennial and zoomer co-workers are all miserable and serious about everything
Most of them are debt slaves with no hope of ever escaping that reality. Stagnant real wages + insane inflation on housing and education in the last 20 years will do that.
Okay that does sound kinda comfy.