Should pornography be illegal? It’s negative effects on people is clear

Should pornography be illegal? It’s negative effects on people is clear

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no. Prostate cancer will be through the roof

No. People have the freedom to use their bodies how they wish and are free to express themselves. You are free to look away or exercise self control. Statist bootlicker faggot wants daddy to ban all the bad things because he can't handle some tit pics on the internet. Fuck off weakling.

Remember the WizOfPorn or whatever his name was? I saw this guy in every comment section

That guy sounds like he nutted to child abuse. Serves him right to feel like a cunt.

Society benefits from people mentally healthy. Porn only rots ones mind and ruins future relationships

of course it should be illegal, it always was until some kikes came along

That's not the state's responsibility. It's the individual's responsibility to exercise self control and the parents to ensure their are controls to prevent children from accessing it.

Banning porn will lead to more censorship and is dangerously close to legislating Christian morality since Christian morals are often used as a justification for it (violating separation of church/state).

>Banning porn will lead to more censorship
Why would anyone care that degenerate shit gets censored? Society would benefit you stupid coomer

How old are you, be honest