Should pornography be illegal? It’s negative effects on people is clear
Should pornography be illegal? It’s negative effects on people is clear
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no. Prostate cancer will be through the roof
No. People have the freedom to use their bodies how they wish and are free to express themselves. You are free to look away or exercise self control. Statist bootlicker faggot wants daddy to ban all the bad things because he can't handle some tit pics on the internet. Fuck off weakling.
Remember the WizOfPorn or whatever his name was? I saw this guy in every comment section
That guy sounds like he nutted to child abuse. Serves him right to feel like a cunt.
Society benefits from people mentally healthy. Porn only rots ones mind and ruins future relationships
of course it should be illegal, it always was until some kikes came along
That's not the state's responsibility. It's the individual's responsibility to exercise self control and the parents to ensure their are controls to prevent children from accessing it.
Banning porn will lead to more censorship and is dangerously close to legislating Christian morality since Christian morals are often used as a justification for it (violating separation of church/state).
>Banning porn will lead to more censorship
Why would anyone care that degenerate shit gets censored? Society would benefit you stupid coomer
How old are you, be honest
>It's the individual's responsibility to exercise self control and the parents to ensure their are controls to prevent children from accessing it.
>the parents to ensure their are controls to prevent children from accessing it.
>Statist bootlicker faggot wants daddy to ban all the bad things because he can't handle some tit pics on the internet.
Says who? What's wrong with legislating morality? And why should we use yours?
look at this coomer lol
>Society would benefit
How? And anyway, it isn't possible to ban porn, retard. There's simply too much across too many forms of medium and it will still be produced in other countries.
Statists commies detected. Go to North Korea if you want the government telling people how to live and what information is acceptable for their innocent virgin eyes.
There are countless studies about the negative effects of porn. You have not offered a single reason it should exist besides muh separation of church and state (when I never mentioned religion as a reason I am anti porn) and muh statists
porn is trash, but it would be impossible to regulate and would trample on the freedom of expression. Nobody is forcing the fatass to eat fast food, and nobody is stopping the burger joint from selling crap food. if you're smart enough to recognize these traps, it shouldn't even be a discussion.
embarassed brainlet detected, realizing his logic is flawed
The state shouldn't ban anything regardless of effects. Individuals should be free to weigh the pros and cons of their choice. Once we censor one thing, more things will get censored and soon you'll be thrown in jail for criticizing the government.
19. How old are you with that stupid memeflag?
I mean...complicated. Yes? But, not if you all lust so badly for it. You should be free to pursue your sin unto destruction until naturally (I hope) you turn away.
WHICH people? Righty establishment porno pets and no one else, because they have to actually work constantly and these establishment pets whore "alpha "Chads" male whores don't because they're of the establishment whoredom aristocrat class? Fuck you shill
If parents want to ban it, they can. The state shouldn't tell them to or ban porn as a whole because kids might access it. It's about government mandates. These are wrong no matter what.
>The state shouldn't ban anything regardless of effects.
Oh you’re one of those retarded libertarians who think it should be legal to give meth to a 5 year old
just quit wacking off.
you'll start to look at all women as walking holes, and you'll want them.
>why would anyone care that ____ gets censored?
and i did nothing, because they didn't censor me.
no. 1st amendment.
no. black market.
no. government control.
The doctors and parents would have good sense not to do that. They don't need the state banning drugs. Doctors will rationally choose not to prescribe these to children and business won't sell it to them because it will lead to bad PR.
Less and less pornography is actually produced by businesses, and more by anyone with a cell phone camera.
Pornography will be extremely difficult to censor.
I knew it. You will have different views in 5 years, probably less. Keep fighting the good fight buddy, it's the only way you'll ever arrive to the truth. I mean that 100% sincerely.
Learn how to read Id's newfag
Das rite
>That's not the state's responsibility.
The state doesn't seem to have ANY responsibility other than being whores, porno pets, criminals, and traitors.
>Banning porn will lead to more censorship
SO BE IT. Fuck you, establishment faggot.
>Paul Manafort, currently in prison (for reasons other than what follows next), forced his wife to have sex with groups of men multiple times including in other countries, and he sometimes filmed it. Via text messages it's shown that his daughters are alarmed when they learn about this, and talk about how their father had no moral compass general considering other stuff he's done.
>Manafort went into business with Trump’s adviser Roger Stone in 1980. Stone, Trump, and Trump’s lawyer Roy Cohn were then fixtures on the bacchanalian Manhattan party scene. Trump spoke about a visit to the notorious nightclub Studio 54. “I would watch well-known supermodels getting screwed on a bench in the middle of the room. There were seven of them and each one was getting screwed by a different guy.” Stone would later be fired from a job working on Bob Dole’s presidential campaign after he – Stone – advertised in a magazine called Local Swing Fever for “exceptional, muscular single men” to have sex with his wife.
>Individuals should be free to weigh the pros and cons of their choice
Only if they are fully informed. The average coomer is not informed.
I'm late gen x and I am truly sorry for leaving the world in this mess for you cunts. You didn't deserve this clown world.
Israel bans porno and uses it as a weapon in israel and the US
You faggots who say 'oh durrrrrr just porn' just remember a literal kike merchant cartoon is watching you every time you jerk off like a piece of cattle
WHO OWNS THE $97 BILLION Dollar PORN Industry?
he Zionist Jewish Mafia and their strategy to control America
>Build up a well controlled large Media Entertainment industry which is used to provide public fantasy to neutralize dissatisfaction with one’s govt,while running a covert entertainment complex which distributes hardcore pornography to addict many, dirty them up and weaken a nations resolve to survive against external enemies like the Rothschild Jewish Mafia.(= ZIONISM)
MOAR Porn consumption = the moar they WIN against us.
>2017 - The Porn Industry's Net Worth is $$$ 97 BILLION DOLLARS — Guess who owns it……
>90% of the Porn Industry is centered in Hollywood, in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles aka San Pornando Valley
Members of which Tribe owns these huge porn companies? and also owns Hollywood.
Israel Blocks All Its Porn Sites
>October 2016 New law - all Porn Sites in Israel are Blocked, unless you ask for it publicly by calling or writing your Internet Service Provider.
>They protect their young people from Porn, while making sure Christians and other Goyim (cattle) become Porn Addicts, and degrade White Christian women in the worst way.
>People have the freedom to use their bodies how they wish
No. There is literally no reason to believe this.
Ban porn.
>The state doesn't seem to have ANY responsibility other than being whores, porno pets, criminals, and traitors.
Sgt. Jonathan Moore pic related
doing gay bareback creampie gangbang porn
stealing cars from dealership
having breeding parties with other gay faggot cops and underage boys (breeding parties--- gay group sex where they fuck other guys and cum in their asshole, for any non shills and non degenerates who didn't know
Left handed jacking is the patrician hand choice. Righties are faggots.
>Should pornography be illegal?
>It’s negative effects on people is clear
Yes, anything taken to an extreme is not healthy. Also, there should be much more education given about the problems associated with too much masturbation. Informed choice is always the best way to go when it comes to personal health.
Yes. Fuck you establishment shill.
Ban Jews then most porn goes away