>says he's rational and sees all sides
>Doesn't even bring up the toxicology report and demeans the true report.
>says he's rational and sees all sides
>Doesn't even bring up the toxicology report and demeans the true report.
What did you expect from someone who constantly talks about cooming?
who cares about this faggot
i unsubscribed to him when he started being a retarded centrist
>systemic racism
annnnd unsubcribed
Have you ever thought.. maybe you're the irrational one?
This absolute manchild is the most insufferable fencesitter. All he does is throw out the negatives of either side and then claims to be in the morally superior position for playing with dildos.
That seems rather irrational.
This guys been a fag for a while nothing new
get the fuck out of here with your celebrity worship, faggot
Didn't watch. I already knew he was going to bend over.
Won't watch his stuff anymore, won't affect him much but just not for me anymore. Might just go off into the woods desu
Faggot is an antigunner
You don't need to post your reaction just because people don't like some nobody on youtube, being upset because people don't like the same things you do is silly user.
He's a 5'4" manlet.
What a surprise. Youtube man comes down on side most supported by grugbrained masses.
This guy always has the same take, you know? The take he's decided is the majority consensus, after waiting a few days. It's like clockwork. He has no opinions of his own, outside of his liking money and dopamine.
He’s just uninformed.
Massively cucked dude who has been cucked for a long time.
He's there for the YouTube money, that's it.
literally who lol
Remember, this is the man people are "protesting" for. He held a pregnant woman at gunpoint for drugs and money at one point. Don't let this slide.
Have you ever thought that maybe you're the irrational one?
you're surprised this faggot is a faggot?
Don't you have H3 dick to suck?
what happened, someone give me the qrd. I'm not watching a video longer than 30 seconds of him after 2012
This guy is such a fucking faggot. I remember being one of his first subs too when he was just doing letsplays of obscure games. That was great. Now he's just a dollar store pewdiepie. As for his points, they're basic bitch liberal points. Especially the "DUDE THIS ASCENDS POLITICS!" line, which is bullshit. His point of view is a liberal one. That is political. BLM is a Liberal group. Those parkland faggots tried pulling the same shit saying they weren't political and how "both sides stand with us" but at the end of the day they're just liberal faggots. God do I hate American Politics with a passion. Also fuck this nigger for virtue signalling and repeating basic bitch corporate points on this subject that he probably heard from his GF.
another jewtuber confirmed to be a cum-guzzling pandering faggot
and is OP an eceleb mentally stunted faggot?
more at 11
Basically watch any MSM video on these protests or read any corporate responses to this shit like from Disney or whatever. That's that video. He just repeats that shit.
I can't believe Zig Forums sucks this guys dick because he flings a fleshlight around like an autist.
You deserved everything you got Zig Forums
What the fuck are you talking about, he was constantly shit on here and on Zig Forums for basically just copying pewdiepie's tactics of going from letsplays to meme vlogs. This guy pumps out 1-2 videos every fucking day.