That seems rather irrational.
Critikal0z cucks out
This guys been a fag for a while nothing new
get the fuck out of here with your celebrity worship, faggot
Didn't watch. I already knew he was going to bend over.
Won't watch his stuff anymore, won't affect him much but just not for me anymore. Might just go off into the woods desu
Faggot is an antigunner
You don't need to post your reaction just because people don't like some nobody on youtube, being upset because people don't like the same things you do is silly user.
He's a 5'4" manlet.
What a surprise. Youtube man comes down on side most supported by grugbrained masses.
This guy always has the same take, you know? The take he's decided is the majority consensus, after waiting a few days. It's like clockwork. He has no opinions of his own, outside of his liking money and dopamine.
He’s just uninformed.