While black people riot, white people launch new ground breaking technology into space, yet again

First stage is coming back now, second stage still going strong. Fairings are off, on their way back down for a hopeful double-catch.
Also, this first stage was used to launch the first Starlink set, and the third, as well as two other satellites, so this is flight #5.

Attached: space x reuse.webm (640x360, 765.04K)

we was kangs in space, but you racists took it from us

Landed! Its always so insane that we can land a rocket upright on a ship in the ocean. Crazy.

landed the booster without the camera cutting out this time. fucking noice

Fuck yeah, first stage is landed, fifth time doing so and most re-used rocket in the fleet so far.
Second stage is in orbit, deployment of Starlink in a while. Still waiting on the fairings, they will take a while to parachute down and it's not super-likely they'll catch them but they'll still try.

Attached: minuteman III MIRV.webm (320x214, 388.2K)

the landing was fucking phenomenal as usual. Whites rule the skies once again.

Funny to think how long we've been just throwing away rockets when we could've been reusing them the whole time.

Attached: X-37B_inside_payload_fairing_before_launch.jpg (300x450, 44.9K)

Only whites have been to the moon. Elon better keep it that way.

it'll blow its satellite load across the sky in under 3 minutes im wondering what that will look like

You're right Elon is a dumb south african nigger