>he waited until a an election year, a deadly pandemic, and mass civil unrest before deciding to finally buy a firearm.
LMAO, user please tell me this isn't you and this is just the normies.

Honestly, when joggers break into your home at 3am to inspect your electrical wiring and ask for water you fucking deserve to get raped and murdered for being such a dipshit noguns

Attached: PSAR15.png (626x934, 113.88K)

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sheeple buying guns. No different to panic buying toilet paper at the first sign of trouble. grow a pair

>Don't worry bro I know you missed out, but hey I think we still have some AKs in the ba-

Attached: PSAK47.png (550x838, 94.14K)

Ding ding.
Resell market going to be good.

It’s literally me right now. I’m waiting for this next paycheck to hit and then I’m hitting up friends to buy one off them or going into a gun store to buy one.

you fags should have been stockpiling since king nigger got elected in 2008

I started when he was nominated.

Regardless everyone should have a gun. No reason not to have one. I’d rather be the fool who invested $700 into an AR and never use it than be the fool who didn’t and seriously could have used one when he got burglarized/attacked

>literally the cheapest of the cheap shit

don't just buy one.
you need to learn to aim.
take it to a range and practice.
sucks for you if you are a city slicker who can't just go out to the woods to shoot lol.