>he waited until a an election year, a deadly pandemic, and mass civil unrest before deciding to finally buy a firearm. LMAO, user please tell me this isn't you and this is just the normies.
Honestly, when joggers break into your home at 3am to inspect your electrical wiring and ask for water you fucking deserve to get raped and murdered for being such a dipshit noguns
It’s literally me right now. I’m waiting for this next paycheck to hit and then I’m hitting up friends to buy one off them or going into a gun store to buy one.
Landon Hall
you fags should have been stockpiling since king nigger got elected in 2008
Nathan Howard
I started when he was nominated.
Liam Price
Regardless everyone should have a gun. No reason not to have one. I’d rather be the fool who invested $700 into an AR and never use it than be the fool who didn’t and seriously could have used one when he got burglarized/attacked
Hunter Taylor
>psa >literally the cheapest of the cheap shit
Jace Rogers
don't just buy one. you need to learn to aim. take it to a range and practice. sucks for you if you are a city slicker who can't just go out to the woods to shoot lol.
James Stewart
what website is this?
John Taylor
>this Once all this shit has settled down after election season people will be unloading shitty PSA ar's for what Mosins used to go for
Christian Gonzalez
Looks like Palmetto State Armory. They make dirt cheap ARs and other things.
Ryan Foster
You will come out better and cheaper to build an ar15. Buy an 80% lower if you have a little mechanical aptitude. If not just buy an anderson lower and get shipped to.ffl. order all ypur other stuff and assemble. Its literally legos
Lucas Lee
Dry fire training is important too.
Gavin Howard
Go back to your faggot AR general containment thread.
Matthew Baker
Same here. It's been a long and expensive journey.
Jackson Reed
And ? A Honda civic is a cheap piece of shit that gets from point A to point B, and. PSA likewise gets the job done.
Dylan Allen
Are KSGs good or memes?
Aaron Parker
I will never buy a gun. They are far too dangerous and really all you need is some pepper spray.
Elijah Lewis
I've put together a couple of their kits, a cheap one and a decent one and have shot the shit out of them and they still work fine. There are more accurate ar's but for a battle rifle a psa is fine.
Easton Lopez
Yeah legos involves roll pins and torquing to specific specs and milling out aluminum to fractions of an inch in the case of your 80 percent lower (which are literally more expensive than stripped lowers)
Blake Scott
excessive dry firing wares down your firing pin.
Thomas Perry
I wouldn't trust kel tec with my life. Neat guns, but battle worthy? No
Christian Martin
It's not a .22 dude. Even if you were right , which you're not, a firing pin is a few dollars, big deal.
Hunter Edwards
Took 3 weeks for my PA10 to show up. It was like 16 days before it even shipped.
Dylan Evans
If the ar/ak combo had decent furniture it'd actually be compelling to buy, for the right price of course
I read both that building my own is more expensive and that it’s cheaper. Either way I’d like to, but isn’t where to start. Like are all parts compatible no matter who makes them? >SEX Nice
Blake Roberts
The foregrip breaks off and you shoot your hand giving yourself a wicked crab claw.
Jayden Fisher
Depends on the gun
Jaxon Price
All the parts are standardized, just pay attention to the gas length which comes in carbine, midlength, and rifle. Also buffer tubes come in two sizes so make sure to choose milspec for maximum compatibility
Jacob Mitchell
I have guns, but I don't have an AR I was actually thinking of picking one up right before this riot shit started up, but that's not happening any time soon. Ah well, I live in tiny rural town, any joggers who are dumb enough to start shit will be dealt with quick enough
You’re speaking creole to a gook bro. I’m gonna need to do my research, actually getting super interested
Benjamin Wright
If it works it works
Henry Brooks
>tfw when I put an a2 fixed stock on a 16 inch barrel. I want to have an 20 a2 ar15 build or a nam style a1 build.
Ayden Cruz
THIS the psychos buying guns are either throwing money in a hole for a gun they'll never shoot or will ruin their life with it. stupid LARPers just like Antifa
Lucas Morales
I live in IL and went to a mental hospital when I was 18 so I'm not allowed to have guns.
Alexander Carter
Since Sept. 2004, when the ten year modern sporting rifle gun grab ban expired.
Jason Miller
*20 inch barrel
Robert Ortiz
NoDak Spud for all your XM/A1 needs
Luke Gutierrez
Get yourself a couple of black powder revolvers, they're not legally considered firearms so you can even get them shipped right to your door