You fucking dumb fucks

That gun is very illegal in California. He'll do time for this. Only if he stayed home. I thought it was my brother at first, he lives blocks away.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 10.21.34 PM.png (1920x1200, 2.92M)

Attached: dumbfuck.jpg (404x403, 37.15K)

wish he'd used it desu

He should have moved to America before he tried that move.

hope it was worth it

>dude in the video has a beard
>dude in the booking image doesn't
Did they shave him before they threw him jail?

>As hundreds protest in Upland, tensions are now rising between Trump supporters and
huh? how does he know they're Trump supporters?

Drums are for memefags and poorfags. Surefire 60 round mags feed much better, don't jam when they get slightly dirty, don't have to be constantly lubed with graphite powder, etc. Or get a 100 round if you're OK with a mag as long as your barrel.

Becuase they're white, and live in California. Obviously they're trump supporters.

>anti-police protest calls for the police's help

Every time