>Steven Banon and a Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui signed a document in blood declaring the formation of the New Federal China. (Anouncement starts at around 5:10 at the time of this post) youtu.be/iOvhQv-1neA
>Chinese stream reportedly had 15 million viewers at the time >Now down to 6 million watching Banon and Guo sitting on a boat (potential bot shenanigans)
Can someone explain how the fuck they plan to do this? They’d have to literally take over China which be be a new world war, and I don’t think any world leaders are gonna support that.
Anthony Turner
I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about here. But sounds important.
Robert Allen
We will see Bannon in Taiwan tomorrow.
Cameron Howard
Isolate the chicom leadership and lead the revolution.
Samuel White
big fucking bag of nothing
Brandon Lewis
Apparently they have dirt and allies within the CCP. One of their terms was to grant amnesty to CCP members who have otherwise done nothing wrong.
I don't know dude. I just woke up and this was happening. All I know is a lot more information exists in the Chinese speaking world and I can't read Chinese in any meaningful way.
Jonathan Young
This was some creepy shit. To be honest, I would not have cared about this and would' have thought that this was a simple larp, until I saw Steve fucking Bannon. Has he lost his mind or something? Is he planning something that will affect China? I do not know