>Steven Banon and a Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui signed a document in blood declaring the formation of the New Federal China. (Anouncement starts at around 5:10 at the time of this post) youtu.be/iOvhQv-1neA
>Chinese stream reportedly had 15 million viewers at the time >Now down to 6 million watching Banon and Guo sitting on a boat (potential bot shenanigans)
Can someone explain how the fuck they plan to do this? They’d have to literally take over China which be be a new world war, and I don’t think any world leaders are gonna support that.
Anthony Turner
I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about here. But sounds important.
Robert Allen
We will see Bannon in Taiwan tomorrow.
Cameron Howard
Isolate the chicom leadership and lead the revolution.
Samuel White
big fucking bag of nothing
Brandon Lewis
Apparently they have dirt and allies within the CCP. One of their terms was to grant amnesty to CCP members who have otherwise done nothing wrong.
I don't know dude. I just woke up and this was happening. All I know is a lot more information exists in the Chinese speaking world and I can't read Chinese in any meaningful way.
Jonathan Young
This was some creepy shit. To be honest, I would not have cared about this and would' have thought that this was a simple larp, until I saw Steve fucking Bannon. Has he lost his mind or something? Is he planning something that will affect China? I do not know
I was assuming this was a nothing burger until I finally found the Chinese stream and realized just how many Chinese people are tuning in to watch this. Obviously this is either a bot scam or it's much bigger news to them than it is to us.
Leo Robinson
>claim to have support of 90 countries >reclaiming china within 3 days >no more ccp in 3 days USA hosts them in front of statue of liberty and allows 5 planes to commemorate them. no one has any idea. bannon and the chinese billionaire signed their declaration in blood in front of statue of liberty. the billionaires a CCP fugitive trying to dismantle ccp for years.
stream of the rich guy on his yacht in front of statue of liberty smuggly drinking tea with a countdown now
Joshua Sanchez
india maybe?
Dominic Peterson
Claims to have support of 90 countries. the guy in the stream is saying no more CCP within 3 days n has a countdown for 85 mins from now
Jaxson Bailey
I'm hoping for a real happening. If the world is in a happening death spiral I at least expect it to be entertaining.
Ayden Walker
>Steven Banon and a Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui signed a document in blood declaring the formation of the New Federal China.
I never imagined I would ever read such an insane sequence of words.
Lincoln Kelly
Will probably turn out to be some multi-level marketing scam in the end, I bet. Just watch.
Benjamin Walker
What sneaky shit are they planning? Are they going to kill the Chinese dictator or something? What the fuck are they going to do?
Jack Evans
Don’t worry about it guys. Anyone here feeling sleepy? Nap time for me..
Xavier James
this is nothing. they are wheeling this out because of the failing nigger state. conservatives always want white men looking at the other side of the world.
Maybe he wants to advertise his Gcoin? apparently he has a crypto.
Carter Roberts
They claim the core attack from their movement will be by whistleblowing rotten intel about CCP. A great place to start the spread would be here... Right, Mr. Bannon?
Ryan Richardson
USA hosts them in front of statue of liberty and allows 5 planes to commemorate them. no one has any idea. bannon and the chinese billionaire signed their declaration in blood in front of statue of liberty. the billionaires a CCP fugitive trying to dismantle ccp for years. holy fuck
>Chinks are going to turn on the CCP and embrace evil America along with a an exiled billionaire This is either an extreme larp by Banon to give Trump some space at home or we will see WW3 with the US trying to (((Liberate))) China.
John James
yup and 6 million chinese viewers at least... on a stream that shouldnt be legal or viewable in china,meanwhile not a peep in west. this could absolutely be the big happening
Benjamin Johnson
youtube.com/watch?v=rTuLv9cF4yc he makes good points though. I think I remember serpentza mentioning him in passing about he posts all his videos from his yacht on the east river, giving the impression of some sort of gta chinatown wars source material inspiration (and a mr robot reactionary source material inspiration). Bannon seems to be just doing some white monkey job though- I didn't really care about breitbart in 2016 as well. If I remember well he stopped supporting trump? (good for him trump is zogged) Striker should comment on this. The gematria boomers from the last thread should go. Even if this is just symbolic I'm fine with that because it looks more like a genuine reaction to corona than others. > Tibet is the beginning/source of the yangtze river and has the biggest amount of natural uranium lets briefly mention product and consume product because that's all really what normie white people care when talking about chinese (asian americans care about different things) Chinese products are cheap and destructible, British products are overvalued for what you get, German product is overengineered and expensive, Swiss product is too constricted by visual design and expensive, Japanese product is very sturdy high quality and expensive, I could mention more but my point is that American product is all gimmick (trinkets and junk on shark tank), and not worth the chinese price you pay for it on aliexpress (because the americans manufacture it there). I also would want to talk about chinese americans born in america here, but that would just polemics of depression in math class (half of you are/were CS students, so you should be already aware of this)
Yea what the fuck bump this shit what the hell is steve bannon doing? If he fucking does it, he has my vote if he ever runs.
Luke Nguyen
Great move from Trump, for the first time he will have social media support. We all know The Zucks of west coast die to get the market there and they realzied will never get that under ccp
Thomas Reyes
why though? clearly this guys not a nobody. He was 78th richest man in china. Yes you can buy whatever you want, including bots, but something just feels different especially considering the gravity of foreign planes flying around statue of liberty
Hudson Jackson
whats the countdown for
David Morris
Honestly, shut the fuck up shill. This niggerfaggot country SUCKS and it has to go. Fuck your dumb ass China narrative. It's your own fault.
thats the exciting part NO ONE KNOWS LOL at least in the west
Daniel Jenkins
1989 tianamen square massacre
Ian Flores
Benjamin Miller
Maybe Chinese people fucked all you female relatives.
Isaiah Allen
True. The numbers jump around a lot too so there's also the possibility real people are making up the numbers. As for the foreign planes. I think they're american planes hire to fly banners advertising the new china.
Shut the fuck up schizo. People don't riot indefinitely. Of course the riots will wind down and normalcy will return.
Daniel Mitchell