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Honestly don't see how Trump supporters can't organize in the same way. You literally have more people on your side. Especially now. Just... network and organize for a week or so and go out there. Just take up space. Don't even do anything. Just take up space and record everything that happens and Trump will win a second time. It's that simple.
"A million people whoooo Trump is dead"
Remind them that 150+ million oppose them.

At least yellowvest had legitimate complaints. Gas taxes and refugees.

You want to decriminalize black crime?

Attached: 1544909577013m.jpg (962x1024, 100.12K)

>Honestly don't see
That's all you had to say. We can tell. We know. The flag says it all. I know as much about what it's like to live in your pathetic shithole, just as you do our own

YES Secret Service will get to Gun down a Million Nigger's Four More Years

Trump supporters are a bunch of pussies who do nothing but talk talk talk.

>You literally have more people on your side
Only 18% of the population voted for Trump

>good thing everyone one of these losers was laid of during the covid pandemic so they can make stand against drump
can you stop being and idiot, like even a little bit?

If I go out there to counter protests I'm just going to get attacked, and the media will call me a supremacist terrorist for even showing up, much less defending myself.


Theyre not even trying to hide it anymore