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Honestly don't see how Trump supporters can't organize in the same way. You literally have more people on your side. Especially now. Just... network and organize for a week or so and go out there. Just take up space. Don't even do anything. Just take up space and record everything that happens and Trump will win a second time. It's that simple.
"A million people whoooo Trump is dead"
Remind them that 150+ million oppose them.

At least yellowvest had legitimate complaints. Gas taxes and refugees.

You want to decriminalize black crime?

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>Honestly don't see
That's all you had to say. We can tell. We know. The flag says it all. I know as much about what it's like to live in your pathetic shithole, just as you do our own

YES Secret Service will get to Gun down a Million Nigger's Four More Years

Trump supporters are a bunch of pussies who do nothing but talk talk talk.

>You literally have more people on your side
Only 18% of the population voted for Trump

>good thing everyone one of these losers was laid of during the covid pandemic so they can make stand against drump
can you stop being and idiot, like even a little bit?

If I go out there to counter protests I'm just going to get attacked, and the media will call me a supremacist terrorist for even showing up, much less defending myself.


Theyre not even trying to hide it anymore

Why would right stand up? The best thing to do is sit back and see shit hit the fan. Aint like left gonna do anything significant, like loot white house.

they have jobs

if you are going there to counter protest then you are actually going there to fight. there is no "counter protesting" anymore. we either go to fight or dont go at all. I am not trying to bait into violence, but its obvious that only violence would come from counter protesting.

I’m autistic and scared to talk to people :(

it would be shame if someone had covid and joined the rally since it would set us back to the start of the lockdowns

That's the goal. yeah.

>attend Trump rally
>get doxxed
>lose friends
>be labeled white supremacist
>lose job
>blacklisted from industry

Yea, Idk why Trump supports don’t just start their own rally

That's what Trump's rallies are for you idiot

>dying for drump

the secret service will kneel in solidarity

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That won't happen from attending a Trump rally. He's had hundreds of them lol.


Remember we have an electoral college. Half the country or more may support Trump; but popular vote isn't synonymous with electoral votes.

Yeah, go suck off Mohamed’a cock, German wannabe.

Literally seeing all these people claim "hundreds of thousands", "million". Give me a break, there like 10-20 thousand max people at the larger protests.

Sitting back while your enemies destroy themselves is the best move anyone can do Trump won't even be there so let them loot and get shot they asked for it

i die for my family and only my family. if i think that these protests will turn into war then i will fight in order to protect my family. it will only be through convenience that i also fight for the country.

this would spark an actual civil war

>tfw the republic is crumbling but you're hundreds of miles from anyone

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I work on Saturdays and I'm not leaving my home undefended from these rioting niggers.

>Gas taxes and refugees.
Why not gas refugees and taxes?

DC and surrounding states are largely left wing

lol gay

kneeling down stabilizes the snipers I heard