Hi Zig Forums I'm from 2030. Ask your questions

Here's some insides from my timeline.

- US elections in 2024 were won by ultra-leftist. US is not a World dominant power now, it dominates only locally.
- France/Netherlands/Italy leaved EU. EU still exist but it's becoming more and more irrelevant.
- We have a new union in Europe called 'Intermarium' which consist of slavic countries.
- Africa has become unhabitable and the new wave of immigrants are hitting Europe
- Dollar is not a reserve currency now, after hyperinflation in early 20s.
- China annexed some parts of Russia.
- Putin is not a president anymore.
- Corona killed millions of people.
- Scotland leaved UK

Attached: Tulsi.webm (480x600, 2.86M)

Ukrainians still subhuman retards I see

is mommy happy in 2030?

We are now one of two dominant powers in the Intermarium along with Poland

Did we break 6,000,000 this time?

>everything east of dniper occupied by russia
>shitkraine still a third world buffer state controlled by russian puppet government
>op still a kissless hugless virgin

>jewish wet dream

Say hi to Chabad for us

Fortunately I have cancer and won't have to see this.

I want Tulsi to wrestle with me, choke me, pin me down and dominate me so bad.

Fuck off time nigger.