Hi Zig Forums I'm from 2030. Ask your questions

Here's some insides from my timeline.

- US elections in 2024 were won by ultra-leftist. US is not a World dominant power now, it dominates only locally.
- France/Netherlands/Italy leaved EU. EU still exist but it's becoming more and more irrelevant.
- We have a new union in Europe called 'Intermarium' which consist of slavic countries.
- Africa has become unhabitable and the new wave of immigrants are hitting Europe
- Dollar is not a reserve currency now, after hyperinflation in early 20s.
- China annexed some parts of Russia.
- Putin is not a president anymore.
- Corona killed millions of people.
- Scotland leaved UK

Attached: Tulsi.webm (480x600, 2.86M)

Ukrainians still subhuman retards I see

is mommy happy in 2030?

We are now one of two dominant powers in the Intermarium along with Poland

Did we break 6,000,000 this time?

>everything east of dniper occupied by russia
>shitkraine still a third world buffer state controlled by russian puppet government
>op still a kissless hugless virgin

>jewish wet dream

Say hi to Chabad for us

Fortunately I have cancer and won't have to see this.

I want Tulsi to wrestle with me, choke me, pin me down and dominate me so bad.

Fuck off time nigger.

stopped reading there

What do yo mean? Sorry I don't remember all the memes from this timeline.

Trump lost if that waht you're asking.

Gayest larp prediction I've ever seen.

OK LARPER. You're funny. What happened after Biden won in 2020? Was there a 2nd American Civil War or revolution?

Fuck off. You're not.

How much is 1 bitcoin?

Attached: 2014-12-01-19-51-08.jpg (714x1024, 175.25K)

>stopped reading at the second to last word

Fake. All jews are dead by then.

Okay my question. How are we swiss doing??? Are we still unscathed thanks to our neutraility???

Crimea is still a part of Russia but they wnated to make a referrendum about joining Ukraine back. Russia didn't let that happen, they are still powerfull military but they are wery poor. Lots of russians are working in Ukraine on low skilled seasonal jobs now.

Tell me what you know about south america

does semen taste differently to you in 2030 than it does today?

I want to _____ Tulsi's _____

Yeah but who won 2020

OP is a lying faggot. Of OP was really from 2030 he would be posting in an ungodly hybrid of ebonics, mexican, and manderin.

>- France/Netherlands/Italy LEAVED EU. EU still exist but it's becoming more and more
damn, you are really really really stupid


I don't want to spoil. Let it be a little surprise. My advice is buy a gun and don't hold too much money in the banks.

establish, dictatorship (of my penis)

It's not a thing anymore. But crypto is now a norm. We dont even call it a crypto anymore, like you don't call money a fiat currency in this timeline.

have the central europeans in intermarium staved off the migration flows?

Attached: UKRAINIAN DETECTED.webm (636x356, 2.99M)

Yes, Switzerland is still neutral and pretty rich.