RSU from work vested last month

>RSU from work vested last month
>Cashed then all in $50k in cash after taxes

The US is over. I’m moving to Japan. I’m gonna live in Capsule Hotels and PC cafes until I can set up a grow op. Weed is $40 a gram there. I’m gonna be knee deep in Japanese Teenage Stoner pussy. Fuck the US, Fuck white men and fuck niggers.

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Can’t you get like life in prison for selling weed in Japan?

>Basedlets thinks this nigger who robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint went to heaven
They musta forgot

Fortune favors the bold.
I’m hoping to just grow for one Yakuza gang. Fuck they might make me a slave like Jesse in BB but I beats living in NigLand.

>moving to japan to be a criminal and act like a nigger corrupting the youth

He renounced his bad behavior and praised the lord, he's good

Yea good luck idiot.
People go to jail here just for using weed here, not even buying or selling it.
You will be a homeless criminal nigger in a month.

Japan needs more immigration, cmon let some Indonesians in, they'll enrich Japanese society

Lmao the Yen is so week I can live in like $30 to $50 a day in a capsule or a PC cafe. Shit Tokyo is a 24 hour city. A little Meth and I only have to eat or sleep every 2-3 days. Spend the rest of my time fucking or playing vidya.

Man I think you might be retarded or having a manic episode

>thinks they'll accept a faggot gaijin

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In all seriousness, how are would it be for an American to move to Japan? My broke roommate seems to think that it's super easy and that all he needs to do it learn the language (He sincerely believes that his obsession with anime is helping him), pack up his bags, hop on a plane, buy a house, get a Japanese gf (He also thinks this will be super easy), and he will quickly settle into Japanese society and raise a family. Is my roommate onto something, or is he overly optimistic?

Attached: Big Think.jpg (1000x904, 119.2K)

how hard would it be for an American to move to Japan*



Should have held them for a year so you only paid the long term capital gains, instead of short term at your taxable income rate. Not that you appear to have a solid grasp on finance, based on your "business plan".

There is no weed in JP.

Your best luck is Xanax perscription.

Also yes, pussy is very very tight and grippy and very easy to get. Had my first threesome there with two chicks that picked me up at mcdonalds at 3 in the morning.

Internet cafe cubes are nice but it sucks, you can rent something cheaply outside of the city or even better share an apartment.

Food is awesome, girls are great but they only want sex because they got BFs, so dont fall in love.

Enjoy your stay in jail until you have your deportation date scheduled.

you're actually retarded, japan is the most xenophoic country on earth, the yakuza aren't going to admit you. if you get arrested, the conviction rates are high, the prisons are terrible, and the terms are long as shit. there was some article recently about a westerner who ended up getting like two years in the can just because he was a rowdy drunk and broke lamp

OP, admit it. You're Black, aren't you?

Sorry, we're full.

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From my personal experience weebs almost always fail. I know some expats and they didn’t have any grand delusions. One just wanted to teach and get more opportunities than her home country, one was an art tourist who kept coming back until he decided on settling, etc. You have to be able to deal with a lot psychologically, being separated from friends and family, being subject to treatment as the outsider, not getting trapped in expat only communities, etc. Then throw on top of that the perils of dating with a language barrier and people treating you like a retarded filthy sexpat. Shallow weebs who think that their life will be fucking awesome as soon as they land at the airport usually get depressed and don’t stick to it, providing they even get as far as booking a flight in the first place.

>Also yes, pussy is very very tight and grippy and very easy to get

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BAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Japan doesn’t want some fucking beaner growing shitty ass weed for them. You idiot. You asshole.

They would never have you.

First day in shibuia i was stopped by two numale officers, they wanted to see my wallet, they looked trough every single small pocket of it for drugs.

Its not like JP doesnt have a drug scene, it does. You get get shit like MDMA, Acid, speed, etc but its all chemical shit, you cant get legit organic coke, weed etc

Just be prepared to be weirded out in JP.

Once a bunch of guys aproached me, and kept stearing in my face. I thought i was about to get jumped and i got ready to punch the guy.

He pointed at my face and said: You are so handsome and kept looking at me with an open mouth.

JPs are conditioned to like european, white faces and since im looking pretty nordic he was fascinated with my face.

Another guy (beard, long hair, looked like a samurai) explained with a pen and paper that he wanted to give me a massage and that he can tell im having sexual frustrations from my voice.

JPs are weird fucks.

Its true, i got a mid sized cock about 15cm and there i often could not fit it in all the way.

If you are a mid to small in europe you are a good size there. European chicks can be great but they got alot of choice. If i was a loser numale i would cut my loss and go there for some traditional submissive waifu.

The only rather rare thing there is ass. if you are into ass you gotta go for a chubby one, skinny ones dont often have a big ass. But big tits are indeed a thing there too. Supprised me. But i also banged alot of chicks with no tits whats so ever which can be fun too since you focus on their nips.

Man i destroyed alot of petite tiny girls there

What about friends? Did you join up with any guys for sports?


To jap anons itt. How is day to day life in there. I'm genuinely interested, since it's so forgien to me. I grew up in a village with population around 700, how is it to live in big cities there?

>until I can set up a grow op

Enjoy Japanese prison.
Then you'll be banned from the country for life.
You'd be able to sell to shitty rich kids at top tier universities or (ironically for you) Nigerian club touts.
As soon as someone gets caught, they'll rat your white ass out.
That is unless the Yakuza kills you first.

I was too focused on pussy. But i made a few samurai friends drinking beer and saki, getting drunk, eating.

I got aproached by JP guys randomly, telling me that europeans have a great brain, great nations, that we didnt do anything wrong in WW2 lol (they assumed i was german because im blonde).

JP is actually really really great.

I got a traditional petite blonde chick that loves cooking meals for me and taking care of my needs and the only reward she wants is for me to mount her, thats the only reason im not there.

Im pretty sure i knocked up a bunch of girls, it happens alot thats why you find alot of single moms in JP and thats why schools mandate girls to color their hair black, because you find alot of hapas with brown or chestnut colored hair from forein guys.


>I am going to go to Japan to be a degenerate and encourage degenerate life over there
This is why I hate you mutts. Everywhere you mutts go you do nothing but spread your degeneracy.

Its staggering how many Japanese women have babies from foreiners. Having a half white baby is like a commodity, pretty similar to Korea and China.

Alot of women that are happly married still take the opportunity to get knocked up by whites when ever they can because they want big blue eyed half asian babies.

I would say the percentage of half lings in JP are in the double digits thast why they cover it up in an attempt to secure the image of the ethostate.

Also the BFs and husbands are very nice, loyal, gentle and honorable but they are a tiny bit dopey and dont notice that the babies are half white.