Why is gratuitous consumption only okay for a relatively small group of people?
Why is gratuitous consumption only okay for a relatively small group of people?
For only the ones that deserve it.
>rich bitch buys a car from a not as rich bitch who buys a car from a not rich bitch who buys a car from a cheap bitch who buys a car from a really cheap bitch.
The kids usually blow the inheritance away anyways.
i agree, estate tax should be 100%
>For only the ones that deserve it.
Why do they deserve it?
Because that's part of the SCAM
It's a head-fake, sleight-of-hand, "do as I say, not as I do"
because they can afford it
wait,youre not actually serious are you?
Why are they allowed to horde that much money?
Why shouldnt they be?
what have rich heirs done to deserve their inherited fortune?
It's called investing in the future of your family you fucking nigger. God forbid someone somewhere along the shitlog that is your family lineage have to sacrifice and work hard.
so literally nothing
so much for "deserving"
Because they don't contribute as much as they benefit.
>hoard money
Not how it works. If all they did was hoard money they would be poor just like you. Admit you're a financelet and economicslet and educate yourself on how wealth grows.
Very small portion of millionaires inherited their wealth. I wouldnt say they deserve it in terms of merit, but if their parents or grandparents or close friend or someone like that decided to leave their possessions and wealth to someone else after they died, I think that's fine. It's a final gift. The state already taxes it, you're literally being taxed to die. The rest should go to whoever or whatever that dying person wants.
people that are okay with the kind of sheer excess we see today are midgets of will with no agency outside of how much they can consume. they are perfect citizens of the global corporate vampire world we live in. they have no purpose or interest other than in their right to be entertained, and for their children to consume unchecked after they gracelessly pass
They are the genetic line of those which worked for it, their immortality. They invested in their kids time, blood and money which makes them the best suiter to preserve for what their genetic parents have worked for.
No one else but them deserve it. If you tax it all awayy for niggers people will become boomers and just throw it all out the window withn their last couple years or find way to invest through a black market in their children.
Go be poor somewhere else - or better yet, get kids yourself and try to come back how you rather want a beaner getting your lifeworth of sacriice than your offspring.
Would rather have the Porsche.
Because they are God’s chosen people goyim
That house looks fucking terrible.
Is that LeBron's house?
I want the audi the rest can go in the trash
you're not taxing the dead you're taxing the transfer of money
I agree with all but the last part
>they'll just spend it like boomers
If you were to try to rob people of their inheritance, the poor have nothing anyway. The rich will set up trusts while they're alive. The middle class do not have enough assets to secure a significant income for their children via irrevocable trusts, nor do they earn so little that they have nothing to pass on.
The anti white shit is literally a form of conspicuous consumption when viewing community, homogeneity, etc as an abstract resource.
There is literally no difference between a rich person burning a stack of money on camera to signal status, and a rich leftist deconstructing their community, or promoting heterogeneity to do so.
>Real men don't need borders
>Real men don't need guns
>Real men don't need X
These are all just the same idea as the spoiled rich kid videoing himself burning money.
>its not fair if i dont get a massive head start over the niggers
get a job and stop relying on daddy's money you fucking worthless leach
You are taxing the assets of a dead man to be transferred to a living man. He is being taxed to die.
Checked quatro
the middle class are unaffected by estate tax
Because you give them the money to do so.
Basically the only people that live these kinds of lifestyles are in the entertainment industry, as entertainment requires almost no investment of time or personal resources - you just need to be attractive.
People living this life are a symptom of people's dependence on commercial entertainment.
Businessmen, etc have their wealth in their companies.
They typically don't have the time or disposable income to live like this until they sell their assets and retire.
if he transfers it to a charity or a spouse he pays nothing
I've seen a lot.
I've seen the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich.
they are exactly the same . they act the same.
only difference? the poor are generally much nicer and offer you shit.
It's mind blowing but this is how it goes, and how it always will be. Some will get it , some don't.
The point of this comment was I wanted to tell you that yea, I know this rich fag cuz hes dads a rich fag cuz his grandpa was a rich fag.
They are pretty despicable people
but at the end of the day, isn't that what you want? Isn't that what everyone wants?
everyones gotta figure their shit out and if your family aint got no money then it starts from you.
Its like that other user mentioned, they horded money for their family. because at the end of the day , isn't that the point? to horde for your family? what else is there to do?
regardless of if your family is shitty or not this is pretty much how it works,
and the REAL key players are the ones that CHANGE the planet with their money aka rothchilds and the rest.
You have to be pretty big brained to get to that level though and I doubt anyone on pol would ever get to that level, but you never know.
And yes I realize the stupid fucking world family just like onions. is nigger still roodypoo?
The head start is genetic, jew. The money is just my god given right to reap the fruits of my bloodline instead of givinng in into the envious masses which are both genetical and cultural trash. Just because you have nothing to give onto your children (because you even lack them in the first place) doesn't mean the state or anybody else deserve the fruits of our labour.
fuck off commie
>5 million in assets isnt middle class
Sure you could say it's on the higher end of middle class at the end of life. And of course you assume taxes will stay stagnant. Soon enough the new taxes will be determined not to be enough, then they'll just keep moving down. Regardless of all of this, the poster I responded to was responding to another poster who suggested ALL inheritance be abolished and given to the state
"i should be allowed to transfer money without paying a tax"
simply put, if you disagree with the estate tax, then you also disagree with all taxes, and if you disagree with all taxes then you're asking to live in a completely privatized country where you need permission from your neighbors to drive on their portion of the road
Winners at life. Get gud or keep crying loser
he was responding to me, and i never said all inheritance should be abolished, i said the estate tax (which only starts at 5 million dollars) should be 100%, thats two different arguments
>work hard
I love this fantasy world where hard work actually gets you somewhere
There can be no top of the pyramid with a much, much larger bottom. The elite even look down on 'New Money'.
Ah I see. My mistake. Well then, why 100% over 5 million? Seems arbitrary.
Either you oppose consumerism, or you oppose hoarding, you can't oppose both.
They are mutually exclusive.
If you set up a system to prevent resources being consumed, then that system is necessarily hoarding those resources from those who would otherwise consume them.
If you set up a system to take resources from those who aren't using them to those who will use them, then that system is necessarily generating greater consumption.
Nothing, life isn't fair.
What have the attractive done to deserve their attractiveness?
What have the healthy done to deserve their good health?
What have the intelligent done to deserve their intelligence?
What have you done to earn a human brain rather than that of a worm?
Where does this line of reasoning end?
If everyone else eats 10 times as much as you, you don't magically starve - the behaviour is absolute.
If everyone else eats 10 times as much as you, you don't magically dehydrate - the behaviour is absolute.
If everyone else is 10 times as attractive as you, you do become uglier - attractiveness is relative.
Nobody is starving, nobody is dehydrated, the resource the rich have that you don't is status.
This is your brain on sexual liberalism.
You are a coomer, and it has distorted your mind to the point where you see everything in relative terms.
>all or nothing
You an pay specfic taxes for the upkeep of a nation without your workforce being taxed multiple times again and again. You pay your fair share and that'S it. Nobody has a right to just add more and more taxes jut to money grab and reduce the middle class, which is the end goal. Without a middle class only the plebus survives and is dependant on gibs.
because that's where the estate tax kicks in
>Head start
Head start in what?
Sure, give more money to the government in the form of taxes to squander and bid away real resources from markets that actually produce products and services for actual customers.
Then wonder why shit is so expensive, why your purchase power is gone, why you have no savings.
Why is your answer to inequality a shit life for everyone and property for no one?
It's not
>If you set up a system to take resources from those who aren't using them to those who will use them, then that system is necessarily generating greater consumption.
yes but the resources will be distributed more evenly instead of a few people at the top having 90% of it
>Nobody is starving, nobody is dehydrated
lol, tell that to everyone who just got laid off so billionaires could save a tiny part of their fortunes
why should a working class man pay income tax when in your ideal world rich kids will inherit millions and millions of dollars without getting taxed? does that make sense to you?
life? if you're given a small fortune you can invest it wisely and not have to work a day in your life
if you're given a large fortune you don't even have to do that