Why is gratuitous consumption only okay for a relatively small group of people?

what have rich heirs done to deserve their inherited fortune?

It's called investing in the future of your family you fucking nigger. God forbid someone somewhere along the shitlog that is your family lineage have to sacrifice and work hard.

so literally nothing
so much for "deserving"

Because they don't contribute as much as they benefit.

>hoard money
Not how it works. If all they did was hoard money they would be poor just like you. Admit you're a financelet and economicslet and educate yourself on how wealth grows.

Very small portion of millionaires inherited their wealth. I wouldnt say they deserve it in terms of merit, but if their parents or grandparents or close friend or someone like that decided to leave their possessions and wealth to someone else after they died, I think that's fine. It's a final gift. The state already taxes it, you're literally being taxed to die. The rest should go to whoever or whatever that dying person wants.

people that are okay with the kind of sheer excess we see today are midgets of will with no agency outside of how much they can consume. they are perfect citizens of the global corporate vampire world we live in. they have no purpose or interest other than in their right to be entertained, and for their children to consume unchecked after they gracelessly pass

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They are the genetic line of those which worked for it, their immortality. They invested in their kids time, blood and money which makes them the best suiter to preserve for what their genetic parents have worked for.

No one else but them deserve it. If you tax it all awayy for niggers people will become boomers and just throw it all out the window withn their last couple years or find way to invest through a black market in their children.

Go be poor somewhere else - or better yet, get kids yourself and try to come back how you rather want a beaner getting your lifeworth of sacriice than your offspring.

Would rather have the Porsche.

Because they are God’s chosen people goyim

That house looks fucking terrible.