Give me your predictions
War with China
There isn't going to be a war, China isn't as dumb as the Third Reich
go to
China has declared its own territory as the red field.
China winrars, US eats itself up. Communism in Asia, Putinism in Europe, and well Judaism 2.0 in the U.S
We are at over 210 Trillion on a 14Trillion economy. How will there be not a war?
China will get cucked. They have terrible demographics, dependence on fossil fuels from the ME, they are decades behind in military technology, they have few allies, they have high rates of corruption.
lol the China is not comparable to Third Reich. Other than the fact that they both were rising powers, but China is still a developing Nation.
>Putinism in Europe
Russia is poor as fuck, they depend upon raw material exports to survive.
The United States doesn't have the moral capacity to wage war against any reasonably militar developed country, let alone Russia or China.
As soon as the first jets are tear down and the frst air carrier is sinked, there will be endless protests and outrage calling them to go home.
America can only protect itself or invade weak countries. They don't have the psychology to do anything more.